The tunnels created by the purple •.vorms are tubular
and roughly 10 feet in diameter. A typical stretch of
tunnel is ld6 miles long before it intersects with another
tunnel or a naturally formed cavern.
A':S t he characters explore the Wormwrithings, check
for a random encounter once per day. Roll a d20
and consult the Wormwrithings Encounters table to
determine what, if anything, the characters and their
expeditionary force encounter.
When an encounter occurs. roll a d6 to determine
how the area is illuminated. A roll of 1 indicates the
area is dimly lit by phosphorescent lichen. while a
2-6 indicates the area is dark. The twisting tunnels
of the Wormwrithings give creatures the opportunity
to surprise the characters (see "Noticing Threats" in
chapter 2).
d20 Encounter
1-10 No encounter
11 1 drider
12 Orow hunting party
13 3d6 dwarf commoners
14 1d6 ettins
15 3d6 flumphs
16 Crick nest
17 1 purple worm
18 2 d6 troglodytes
19 1d4 trolls
20 1 umber hulk
This creature clings to the ceiling and prefers to
make ranged attacks against the party. There is a 25
percent chance that the drider can cast spells (use the
spellcasting variant in the Monster Manual). The d rider
flees if reduced to 30 or fewer hit points.
A drow mage of House Melarn leads a group of ld6
drow and 2d6 b ugbear slaves through the tunnels
in search of a purple worm nursery, where they hope
to find a purple worm egg as a gift for their matron
mother. If the characters have an egg clearly in their
possession, the drow party tries to take it. Otherwise,
the drow mage is happy to let the characters and their
expeditionary force pass by unchallenged.
There is a 75 percent chance that these shield dwarves
are prospectors from Mithral Hall. hunting for precious
::.tones and minerals. Otherwise, they are refugees
who became lost in the Underdark after orcs anacked
their stronghold and chased them unde rground. These
dwarves arc searching for a route to the surface.
Treasure. Each dwarf carries 1 d 10 pounds of food,
ld4 gallons of water (stored in canteens), and ld6 gems
worth 10 gp each.
The~e euins used to be orogs until the faerzress and the
corrupting influence of Demogorgon transformed them
into two-headed ~iants. Their transformation can't be
undone. They are starving and attack the party on sight.
A cloister of ftumphs floats through the tunnels. These
peaceful creatures have been disturbed by the powerful
thoughts of the demon lords. They warn the characters
that these evil thoughts have polluted the Underdark,
and that kindness is the only response to such evil.
The characters stumble upon a naturally formed cyst in
a tunnel wall. A griek alpha and 2d4 gr ick s are using
the cyst as a nest, attacking anything that passes by.
Treasure. The walls of the cyst have precious crystals
growing out of them. Cha racters can harvest these
crystals, collecting 3d6 intact crystals worth 50 gp each.
Roll a d6 and consult the Purple Worm Direction table
to determine where the purple worm comes from.
d6 Direction
1-2 The purple worm comes from behind the party,
heading in the same direction and tilling t he entire
tunnel. The party mus t either s tay ahead of the
worm or turn and tight it. If they stay ahead of the
worm, the tunnel branches after ld6 miles.
3-4 The purple worm is moving along the tunnel in the
opposite direction as the party and appears in front
of them. The party must either reverse course or
tight the worm. If they reverse course, the tunnel
branches after ld6 miles.
5-6 The purple worm is burrowing through the solid
rock on a path that intersects with the party's
tunnel. The worm erupts from the tunnel wall
behind the party, then continues on its way, leaving
a new tunnel in its wake. The worm's passage
triggers a rockfall in the party's tunnel, and each
party member must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage
from falling debris.
These troglodytes are heading toward their lair (see
"Troglodyte Lair") and a t tack any other creatures they
come across.
These ravenous, insane trolls attack the party on sight.
This creature is hidden behind a wall and uses its
tremorsense to detect passing prey. bursting out of
a nearby wall to attack the nearest party member.
Randomly determine who is attacked. taking into
account any NPCs traveling with the characters.