Approximately half way bet ween Araj and the worm
nursery, the characters' route is blocked by a looming
baule between two factions of a troglodyte tribe.
A foul stench and a cacophony of faint, hissing vorces
rises from ahead. The tunnel plunges sharply downward
into a vast, open cavern dimly lit by luminous fungi
and bisected by an underground stream. Tall reptilian
humanoids stand on either s1de of the stream, waving
makeshift weapons and howling threats at each other in
a hissing language.
The group of creatures closest to you has a captive
lashed between two stalagmites atop a low rise in the
cavern floor. That floor is some twenty feet below you,
down a steep but navigable tunnel whose walls are piled
high with rubble. The creatures are preoccupied with
their conflict and haven't noticed you yet.
The reptilian humanoids are troglodytes that wo rship
a lesser god called Laogzed- a reptilian horror that
dwells in the Abyss. Although Laogzed isn't a demon
lord (and so has not been summoned to the Underdark).
troglodytes are being drawn across the Underdark to
sites where the demon lords have manifested.
Any character who understands the troglodytes
quickly learns what d rives the conflict. Otherwise, a
successful DC 13 Wisdom (I nsight) check can provide
a general sense of what's going on. The troglodytes
ambushed and killed a drow scouting party whose
leader wielded a magic sword that S'slaar, the
troglodyte chieftain, claimed as a trophy. However.
S'slaar's war marshal, H'slaat, was the one who killed
the drow leader, and who now claims the right to wield
the blade.
The disagreement blossomed into a full-fledged
conflict, and the other troglodytes quickly chose sides.
On one side of the stream, troglodytes loyal to H'slaat
seized S'slaar's mate and a re threate ning her, hoping
to force the chieftain to back down. On his side of the
stream, S'slaar is wildly swinging the magic sword and
screaming, as the troglodytes loyal to him shout ins ul ts
and taunts at the other side.
The characters can turn back without being spotted
and find an alternate route bypassing the troglodytes,
but doing so adds forty-eight miles (and an increased
chance of random encounters) to the distance they must
travel before they reach the purple worm nursery. If
the characters simply watch the standoff unfold. see
"Resolving the Standoff" later in this section.
The worm tunnel the adventurers are traveling through
opens up atop a steep slope leading 15 feet down imo
the open cavern. The slope is difficult terrain.
As long as rhe advemurers aren't calling attention
to themselves, they can remain undetected here
indefinitely. The troglodytes are too distracted by their
standoff to notice th em.
Rubble is piled up a long the walls on either side of
the tunnel. The rubble on the east side of the tunnel
conceals a hidden passageway. Any character with a
passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher
notices the hidden passage. Anyone actively searching
the rubble finds it with a successful DC lO Wisdom
(Perception) check. Adventurers who head into the
passage beyond the rubble discover the hidden entryway
to a rea 5 at the end of the tunnel.
H 'slaat, a troglodyte champion ofLaogzed (see
appendix C), and twenty-two troglodytes are arrayed in
a rough battle line along the south bank of a freshwater
stream that nearly bisects the cavern. The stream
runs west to east, tumbling down a short waterfall and
forming a small pool (a rea 9). The stream is about 1 5
fee t wide and 3 feet deep at its deepest point. It can be
crossed on foot but is difficult terrain.
The troglodytes are so distracted that it's possible
to sneak through this area undetected as long as
the adventurers stay close to the cavern walls. Eac h
character must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth)
check or be noticed by the troglodytes.
Any wounded creature entering the stream attracts the
swarm of quippers from area 11.
This upthrust section of the cavern floor is edged
by a steep slope to the southwest and a 6-foot-high
cliff e lsewhere. The cliff requires a successful DC 11
Strength (Athletics) check to climb.
Five troglodytes loyal to H'slaat are stationed here.
ln addition to their regular attacks. they are armed
with javelins that they throw from a pile of twenty-five
javelins on the cavern floor ncar them.
javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
H'hoort, a troglodyte and Chieftain S'slaar's mate,
is lashed between two stalagmites here. Another
troglodyte stands guard next to her. Releasing
H 'hoort won't earn the adventurers a respite from the
opporrunistic troglodytes. but if the characters hold her
captive, both sides are reluctant to attack them.
The area north of the stream is dominated by a 5-foot-
deep basin. A 10-foot-wide furrow on the east side of the
basin slopes down toward area 9.
The troglodyte chieftain has arrayed his forces along
the narrow strip of high ground between the basin and
the stream. Chieftain S'slaar is a t roglodyte with 20 hit
points and a +2/ongsword. While he wields the sword,
S'slaar gains the following action option: