(male). Zulia Stonewhisper (female), and Hargritr
Hammerhome (female).
Rubble is piled up along the south wall of the cavern,
concealing a hidden passageway to area 1. Anyone with
a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher
notices the passage. Anyone actively searching the
rubble must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check to find it.
Within the cave. four zurkhwood boxes hold a 50-foot
length of spider-silk rope. four flasks of oil. twenty
pounds of rancid food. a pile of moldy blankets. six
maces and sixteen javelins (all battered but usable).
four rasks of unspoiled wine worth 10 gp each, and
a locked tribute chest. lt takes a successful DC 15
Dexterity check using thieves' tools to open the chest,
which contains 180 gp (minted in Menzobcrranzan
and Gracklstugh), three gems each worth 50 gp each,
a potion of gaseous form, and a +1 dagger with silvery.
weblikc filigree worked into the hilt. The dagger is of
drow manufacture (see the "Drowcraft Ttems'' sidebar in
appendix B). The crude litters that the troglodytes use to
bear these goods arc propped up against the cave wall.
A thick jet of hot steam spews forth from a crack in the
Ooor near the east wall of this ca,ern. Growing around
the s team vent is a patch of fire lichen (sec "Fungi of the
Underdark .. in chapter 2).
Anyone with a passi\'C Wisdom (Perception) score of
13 or higher notices a vein of precious gems embedded
in the rock wall behind the steam vent. Anyone
actively searching the cavern spots the gem deposit
automatically. The gems can't be reached without
emcring a 10 -foot-by-10 foot-by-10-foot cloud of hot
steam. Any creature that enters the area or starts its
turn there takes ld8 fire damage. The litters in area
5 or a similar object ran be used to block the steam
emerging from the vent for 1 round before weakening
and falling aparc
For each round spent digging at the wall, a character
has a 10 percent chance of extracting a gemstone
worth 100 gp. The chance increases to 20 percent if
the character has a mining background and a miner's
pick. After ten such gems are extracted. the deposit is
depleted. For each round that any number of characters
dig at the wall, there is a 10 percent cumulative chance
that the sound auracts the attention of any troglodytes
remaining in areas 5 or 7.
H'Siaat stationed four t r oglodytes here to watch for
any of S'Siaar's forces that might try to make their way
into attack position through the outer caverns. These
guards are always on alert. One of them carries a horn
that it sounds in the event of an attack. lf the horn is
blown, eight of the troglodytes in area 2 come through
area 5 and into this cave to investigate and shore up
the defenses.
This small cavern is filled with stalactites and
stalagmites, making the cave floor difficult terrain. No
phosphorescent lichen grows here, so the cave is dark.
Two of the stalagmites are r ope rs , while four of the
stalactites are pie rcers (the ropers' offspring). While
lying in wait. the creatures are virtually undetectable.
Any party member with a passi\'e Wisdom (Perception)
score of 20 or higher notices something unusual
about the rock formations in the cave. Unless lhey are
recognized, the ropers and piercers surprise anyone
entering the area.
Searching the cave reveals the remains of a half-eaten
male drow lying against one wall. The drow carries
a small pouch containing 30 gp and two spell scrolls
(shield and phantasmal force) written on sheers of
trillimac (sc>e ''Fungi of the Underdark .. in chapter 2).
If the rope rs are killed and cut open, the adventurers
find 25 pp in the gizzard of one, and a ring of protection
in the gizzard of the other.
Water from the stream pours into this 15-foot-deep
grotto. forming a 10-foot·dcep pool with a narrow crack
in the bottom. The pool's water is safe to drink. and
growing around the pool's edge are 3d6 waterorbs (see
-Fungi of the Underdark-in chapter 2). - RUINS
This large cavern is strewn with zurkhwood beams-
enough to make a raft. An old bridge made of moldy
zurkhwood planks spans an underground stream in
one of the tunnels to the north.
The underground stream passes through this cave,
traveling west to casc The adventurers can hear
something splashing in the water as soon as they enter
this area. Any character who enters the stream is
immediately attacked by the swarm ofquippers that
has spawned here.
The adventurers feel the heat emanating from this
area as they approach. Thick cracks. some as wide as 2
feet. crisscross the cavern Ooor, opening up to a pool of
molten rock 25 feet beneath the cavern. The dull orange
glow oft he lava below bathes this area in dim light.
At the end of every minute the adventurers spend
here, roll a d6. On a roll of 1. 1d4 m agma mephits
emerge from a crack in the floor and attack. No more
than twelve mcphits appear in a given 24-hour period. - EMPTY CAVE
Rocks and small boulders are piled up along the north
wall of this otherwise empty cave. The rubble conceals
a passageway to area 14 , buried during a rockslide.
Anyone with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15