Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
1f the characters attack Hanne, she fights to the best
of her ability. U the adventurers are friendly toward her,
Hanne is willing to travel with them for safety.


As the characters near the nursery, they get a view of
one of its guardians-and might take an unexpected fall.

As you make your way through a long tunnel, everything
around you begins to shake and rumble. Suddenly, the
tunnel floor gives way at your feet.

The tunnel through which the characters travel is
directly above area 1 of the nursery. The burrowing of a
nearby purple worm weakens the tunnel floor. causing
a I 0-foot section of it to break apart and collapse. Any
character in the area must make a successful DC 15
Dexterity saving throw or fall 25 feet into area 1 below.


Any characters dropped into rhis dark cave have time
to recover, while characters who avoided falling can
anchor ropes to the edge of the tunnel floor above, then
climb down into the cave.ln any event. the characters
hear more rumbling off in the distance.


A variety of fungi blankets this dark, 15 -foot-high
cavern. Every 10 minutes spent foraging here yields 1d3
pounds of edible fungi per forager (to a maximum of
30 pounds).

The characters encounter the following features in th e
purple worm nursery.
Light. All tunnels and chambers are dark unless the text
states otherwise.
Purple Worm Tunnels. The tunnels marked Tl, T2, and
T3 on the map do not exist when the characters first enter
the nursery. They are created by purple worms after the
party arrives, as noted here:

  • Fifteen minutes after the party enters area l, a purple
    worm digs into area l, then travels through area 3 and
    creates tunnel Tl to enter area 8.

  • Ten minutes after the first worm arrives, a second purple
    worm enters through the tunnel in area 7. It makes its
    way through the adjoining echo chamber, then into area

  1. Then it digs tunnel T2 into the eastern echo chamber
    before exiting through the worm tunnel in area 14.

  • Fifteen minutes after the second worm arrives, another
    purple worm enters through the tunnel in area 7, digs
    tunnel T3 from the southern echo chamber into the
    eastern echo chamber, then exits through the worm
    tunnel in area 14.
    Visiting worms are heralded by a low rumbling sound
    2 minutes before they appear. (The bats in area 9 also
    swarm and flee their roost l minute before a purple worm
    appears.) Purple worms ignore intruders except those in
    areas 5 or 8, but they won't pursue anyone fleeing from
    those areas.


The passage to area 3 is a steep slope leading 10 feet
upward, and covered in small rocks and gravel. Moving
up the slope requires a successful DC 12 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. On a failed check, a character slips
and tumbles down to the bottom of the s lope. taking no
damage. If someone at the top of the slope lowers a rope
to help other characters climb, no check is necessary.

This 30 -foot-high chamber is dimly lit by luminescent
lichen. Thousands of bones carpet the cavern floor,
including many recognizable as humanoid (primarily
dwarf, elf, and goblin) and some belonging to strange
and unidentifiable creatures. Exactly where the bones
came from is a mystery. A crack in the south wall leads
to area 4.
The tunnel marked T1 on the map doesn't exist until
a purple worm creates it fifteen minutes after the party
discovers area 1 (see the "Worm Nursery: General
Features" sidebar). Thus, the characters won't be able to
reach area 8 until the tunnel is formed.

  1. CHASM
    This 30 -foot-high unlit cavern has a twenty-foot-wide pi
    in its center, which descends a thousand feet. Thirty fee·
    down is a small ledge holding the skeletal remains of a
    moon elf adventurer clad in moldering leather armor.
    Scaling the chasm walls without gear requires a
    s uccessful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.

The skeleton still wears a ring of free action on one
bony finger.

    These three 60-foot-high caverns, hollowed out and
    expanded by purple worms, are set around area 8 as a
    defensive measure. Using their saliva, the worms have
    created thick, resinous strands that stretch from wall
    to wall. These strands are 2 feet thick and suspended
    some 50 feet above the floor.
    Any noise in one of these chambers (including a
    normal speaking voice or metal striking metal) causes
    the strands to reverberate, creating a loud humming tha
    echoes throughout the surrounding caverns, alerting
    the purple worms to the presence of trespassers.

If the adventurers set off a humming in one of these
echo chambers, a distant rumbling can be heard and
felt as a purple worm burrows toward the egg chamber
arriving there in 1d4 minutes (see area 8 for details).

Phosphorescent lichen clings to lhe walls of this 30-foo-
high cavern. Stronk, a bruLish fomorian, lairs here.
Somehow the giant formed a bond with the purple
worms. becoming a caretaker of their eggs. He regular'
checks lhe eggs, brushes fungus off them. and defends
them against predators.
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