Stronk is sleeping on a pile of skins and loudly
snoring when the adventurers arrive. Characters
looking around the room can see the remnants of
the fomorian's grim meals- travelers lost in the
Wormwrithings or egg-hunting adventurers.
Venturing into Stronk's lair without waking him
requires a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
If awakened. th e fomorian shouts out about "killing
egg thieves" and "protecting my precious ones," then
fights to defend the nesting area and protect the eggs.
If Stronk is reduced to half his hit points or fewer, he
charges into the adjoining echo chamber (area 5) and
beUows to summon a purple worm before rejoining
the battle.
All the treasure Stronk has taken from his victims has
been placed under his sleeping skins for safekeeping: 40
pp, an elect rum brooch worth 120 gp. six gems worth
50 gp each, two potions of greater healing, and a book of
drow poetry worth 100 gp.
This cavern rises to a height of 50 feet and contains
many stalagmites and stalactites. A purple worm tunnel
leads out into the Wormwrithings through this area,
but the tunnel's mouth is 40 feet above the cavern floor.
Scaling the rock wall to reach the tunnel requires a
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
Zhora Hallen and her Dark Hunters enter the purple
worm nursery by scaling down the rock wall here
shortly after the adventurers arrive (see "Dark Hunters,''
below). Characters can also leave the nursery and
return to the Wormwrithings via this route.
The ceiling of this cavern is 80 feet high. A pair of
purple worms have laid their eggs here, cementing them
together and anchoring them to the cavern walls with
their resinous saliva. Seven clusters hold six eggs each.
as noted on the map. Each egg is a silvery sphere 3
feet in diameter. Its shell is tough (AC 20), but an egg is
destroyed if it takes any amount of damage.
Two of the four resin strands anchoring the network
of egg clusters to the cavern walls feature stray threads
that drop all the way down to the cave floor. It's possible
to climb up to th e strands at these points to reach the
eggs. Traversing the strands is slow going; each I foot