Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
of distance costs 3 feet of movement. Anyone fighting
or taking strenuous action atop a strand must succeed
on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid falling
off. An adventurer who reaches an egg cluster and has
a suitable cuuing tool (such as a dagger. sword, or axe)
can carefully hack an egg out in 2d4 minutes.
The upper reaches of the egg chamber are covered
in wehs spun by the giant spiders in area 11. Some of
these webs reach all the way down to the egg clusters.
For every five minutes the adventurers spend in this
room, check for a random encounter by rolling a d20
and consultin~ the Egg Chamber Encounters table.

d20 Encounter
1-15 No encounter
16 - 18 1 giant spider from area 11
19-20 1 purple worm

The giant spider walks on the ceiling and surprises
the adventurers unless someone in the pany has a
passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher.
If a purple worm appears, it enters the nursery
through the tunnel in area 7 and circles the outside of
the cavern. Any party member in the egg chamber can
try to hide with a successful DC 10 Dexterity {Stealth)
check. A failed check means the parry member attracts
the worm's auention.
The purple worm auacks anyone it detects in the
chamber except the giant spiders from area 11 and the
fomorian from area 6. h won't pursue fleeing characters
anywhere except into the adjoining echo chambers
(area 5) or the slop cave (area 10). If it doesn't detect any
intruders, the purple worm exits the complex through
the tunnel in area 7, passing through the nearest echo
chamber along the way.

  1. BAT C AV E
    This cave is thick with stalactites and stalagmites. and
    home to thousands of bats. The cavern Boor is covered
    in a thick layer of guano. making the floor di fficult
    terrain. The bats spend most of their time clinging to the
    cavern's 6Q.foot·high ceiling, but the noise of the purple
    worms drives them into a shrieking. flapping frenzy.
    Whenever a purple worm enters the area 8 (whether
    as a random encounter or in response to an alarm from
    area 5. or as noted in the "Worm ursery: General
    Features" sidebar). a swarm of bats flies out of the
    cave I minute before the worm appears. Roll a d6 to
    determine which way the bats go. On a roll of 1- 3. the

Educated by her mother, Hanne Hallen (see '"Voice in the
Dark") knows qu1te a b1t about purple worms. If she's
traveling with the characters, she realizes that they are
in a worm nursery as soon as she enters area 8. She also
recogn1zes the echo chambers (area 5) and understands
the1r function.
Hanne won't want to leave the nursery without an egg
of her own. If necessary, she'll sneak away from the rest of
the party to try to obtam one.


bats take the shortest route to the tunnel in area 7 and
exit through that tunnel. On a roll of 4 6, the bats take
the shortest route to the tunnel in area 14 and exit
through that tunnel.
The swarm doesn't attack unless threatened. bur
any creature that occupies an area the swarm passes
through is buffeted by scores of bats. taking 1d4
bludgeoning damage.

When the purple worm that caused the bats to swarm
exits the nursery. the bats return to this cave to roost 10
minutes later.

The floor of this dark. 60 ·foot·high cavern is covered in a
thick layer of viscous purple worm saliva. Consequently.
the Boor is difficult terrain. As they enter, adventurers
notice dozens of glinting objects in the goo beneath their
feet. Further inspection reveals the sparkling objects
are precious gems.
For every minute the adventurers spend in this cave,
there is a 25 percent chance they altract the attention
of ld4 giant spiders from area 11. The spiders scuttle
along the walls and ceiling. avoiding the gooey floor.

Tf the adventurers take 10 minutes to search through the
goo. they can retrie\·e a total of twenty SO gp gems.

    Giant spiders enjoy a symbiotic relationship with purple
    worms and are frequently found !airing in purple worm
    nurseries. The multitude of predators that seck out
    the worms' eggs provide the spiders with easy prey.
    while the presence of the spiders provides additional
    protection for the hatchery.
    The eastern half of this cavern floor is covered i n webs
    stretching up to the ceiling. See "Dungeon Hazards'" in
    chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for ru les about
    webs. Eight giant spider s lurk in the nest. minus any
    k illed elsewhere in the nursery.

  2. CHASM
    A chasm cuts across this cavern, stretching from wall
    to wall. The chasm is 10 feet wide. 200 feet deep. and
    slopes down to the southwest at a sixty degree angle.
    The chasm's slope can be climbed with a successful
    DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. A creature that fails
    rhe check by 5 or more goes tumbling down the slop to
    rhe bottom of the chasm. taking damage from the fall
    as normal.

At the bottom of the chasm lie the skeletons of two
svirfneblin who tried to leap across the chasm while
being chased by a purple worm. Lying near the remains
are two miner's picks and a small leather pouch
containing a gem of brightness.
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