Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


The center of the chaos and madness now spreading
throughout the Underdark is the great drow city of
>fenzoberranzan. Few of the city"s drow residents
know that the Demon Queen of Spiders is behind the
summoning ritual that brought the demon lords to the
Underdark and that the reward for their faith in Lolth
might well be their destruction.
Menzoberranzan was the site of Demogorgon's
appearance in the Underdark. and the lash of his
tentacles and the crushing tread of his clawed feet
left a trail of broken buildings. bodies. and minds.
Unfortunately for the drow. the worst may be yet to come
if the renegade drow arch mage Vizeran DeVir won the
adventurers' support for his plan to use a powerful ritual
to draw the demon lords and their fiendish servants
out of the Underdark and set them against each other.
As the demon lords destroy each other in the material
world. their dark essences will be drawn back to the
Abyss once more. But one oft he key parts of Vizeran's
plan involves the characters' making sure that the City
of Spiders plays host to this final, devastating battle.

If the characters are working with Vizeran DeVir. they
have two goals in the City of Spiders: obtain Gromph
Baenre's demon summoning grimoire. and place
Vizcran·s talisman in Menzoberranzan to draw the
demon lords there for an epic showdown.

After their adventures in the Wormwrithings and
the Labyrinth, the characters can return to A raj to
deliver the components they have collected to Vizeran
DeVir. Over ten days, the drow arch mage uses those
components to craft a talisman that looks and feels like
a five-pound black heart carved of black stone.lmbued
with arcane and fiendish power, the dark heart talisman
acts as a beacon when Vizeran's ritual is performed.
drawing all demons presently loose in the Underdark.
The talisman radiates faint conjuration magic even
before it is activated, but it's primarily a focus for the
power of the ritual rather than a source of power itself.


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