Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
The standard patrol consists of two drow scouts
mounted on gia nt riding lizards (use the statistics at
the end of chapter 8). Characters who can see out to a
range of 120 or more and a re moving at a normal pace
spot the d row scouts with a successful DC 16 Wisdom
(Perception) check.lf the cha racters are moving at a fast
pace, they take a - 5 penally to t heir check!>.
Unless the characters are moving at a slow pace
and being stealthy. the drow spot them with their
darkvision and withdraw to a n outpost located a mile
away. Defending the drow outpost are a female d row
elite warrior (the comma nder), a male drow m age ,
and sixteen drow. The outpost is a four-story tower
carved out of a 60 -foot-tall, 15 -foot-wide column in the
middle of a 75-foot-diameter cavern. Both the cavern
and the outpost arc unlit. A secret door in the column's
base leads to t he tower interior, but finding it requires
a thorough search and a successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check. Arrow slits on each floor allow the
drow to cast spells and make ranged attacks in every
direction while enjoying three-quarters cover against
attacks from the cavern.
H the drow scouts escape and the cha racters
don't follow them, the scouts report to the outpost
commander, who organizes a hunting party consis ting
of her and eight drow (leaving the mage and eight drow
to staff the outpost). Usc the drow pursuit rules in
chapter 2. and assume a pursuit level of 4.

The characters encow1ter a drow elite warrior and l d8
drow fighting a hezrou demon. The hezrou has 2d10
+ 45 hit poims remaining, while each drow has 2d6 hit
points remaining. The drow elite warrior isn't wounded.
Without interference, the drow slay the dem on, with
the drow elite warrior and 1 d4 - 1 drow surviving the
encounter. H t he characters get involved, the encounter
becomes a th ree-way fight, as neither the drow nor the
demon are interested in forming an alliance.
Characters can keep their distance and avoid the
altercation. However, any drow who survive the battle
head to t he nearest drow outpost ld4 miles away. Aftt:r
hearing the survivors' report, the outpost commander
organizes a hunting party to search for the characters.
as described in ·'Drow Patrol A.''

The c ha racters encounter a drow patrol consisting of a
dr ow mage. 2d4 drow, and a group of s laves. Roll a d8
and consult the Drow Slaves table to determine what
slaves are present. Trolls fight to the death: other staves
attempt to nee if all the drow are killed.

d8 Slaves
1-2 3d6 derro (see appendix C)
3- 4 3d6 goblins
S-6 3d6 o rcs
7- 8 2d6 quaggoths
9- 10 1d 6 t rolls

The characte rs encounter a drow mage riding on the
back of a stone gole m carved from stone and shaped
like a giant spider. The mage rides in a howdah that
provides half cover against attacks from the ground.
Escorting the mage a re 2d4 drow elite warriors
mounted on giant riding lizards (use the statistics at
the end of chapter 8). These d row fight to t he death to
protect their territory.
Treasure. The spider golem's eight eyes are six-inch-
diameter red crystal orbs worth 1,000 gp each.

P opulation: 20,000 drow plus thousands of slaves (of
various races)
Government: Mat riarchal theocracy worshiping Lolth.
the Demon Queen of S piders
Defense: Large s tanding army of trained drow
warriors and mages, bolstered by armed staves
and magical wards; the citizens of the city create a
formidable militia
Comme r ce: Well-trained slaves; various fungi. molds,
and exotic creatures for food; poisons, potions, oils,
and elixirs; jewelry, perfume, and silk
Organizations: The Ruling Council (comprised of the
matron mothers of the eight most powerful drow
noble houses in the city). the Church of Lolth (based
in Arach-Tinilith), Bregan D'aerthe (company of drow
spies, mercenaries, and assassins)
The City of Spide rs is carved out of and built within
a great cavern the drow call Araurilcaurak, its vault
soaring a thousand feet above the stone floor. Drow
dwellings and strongholds are carved from massive
stalagmites and stalactites, connected with delicate-
looking bridges of hardened spider si lk and lit with
coldly glowing eldritch fires.

The following features can be found throughout the City
of Spid e rs.
Light. Most s t reets and buildings are lit by eldritch
green, blu e , and violet lights as bright as torches (created
with continual flame spells). Other areas are dark.
Shielded City. The drow have locked down their city in
the wake of Demogorgon's rampage. For the duration
of this ad venture, creature s can't teleport into or out of
Menzoberranzan. In addit ion, creatures, objects, and
spaces within the city can't be targeted by d ivination
spells or perceived through scrying sensors created by
divination s pells.
The Stone Curse. The "stone curse" is an ancient
enchantment woven by the wizards of Sorcere to protect
the city from cave-ins. Any character casting earthquake,
move earth. or similar magic wit hin the city triggers
a reverse gravity spell (save DC 18) centered on the
caster, which takes effect before the triggering spell is
complete d. The reverse gravity lasts for 1 minute, and is
accompanied by a peal of thunder that alerts everyone
nearby. The caster of the triggering spell must make a
successful DC 18 Constitutio n saving throw to maintain
concentration. O n a failed check, t he triggering s pell fails.

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