Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


The rock surrounding the city is honeycombed with
tunnels and passageways forming the Dark Dominion.
a territory claimed by the drow but not part of the city
proper. Home to all manner of Underdark denizens. this
maze forms parr of Menzoberranzan's defenses as well
as its underworld- a dangerous place for dark dealings
and clandestine meetings.
The Dark Oomimon is a great place for random
encounters. \Vhcn it suits you, roll a d20 and consult the
Dark Dominion Encounters table to determine what the
party encounters, or choose an encounter that you like.

d20 Encounter
1-2 2d4 bugbears
3- 4 Clandestine meeting
5 1 d4 driders

Drow patrol
1d4 + 1 drow spore servants (see appendix C)
Escaped s laves
1d4 + 1 goblins
Glyph of warding
1d4 intellect devourers

The bugbears are branded with the mark of a drow
house, identifying them as slaves. They try to sneak up
on the party and score an easy kill.

The party happens upon a meeting benveen a drow
house rcpresentath•c and some outside business
interest. The drow is escorred by ld4 - 1 bugbear
bodyguards. The individual with whom the drow is
meeting can be any of the following.
Duergar Alchemist. This duergar is trying to procure
rare alchemical ingredients or equipment (see the
"Duergar Alchemist" sidebar in chapter 4 for statistical
Duergar Spy. This duergar from Gracklstugh is
trying to bribe a drow for information about who is
responsible for the demonic invasion.
Human Assassin. This assassin does dirty work for
the drow and is being hired to eliminate someone on the
surface world.
Khalessa Draga.lfthe characters haven't already
encountered this Lords' Alliance spy, Khalessa (see
MMarch on Menzoberranzan-at the end of chapter lO) is
in her drow disguise. buying information of value to the
alliance. When she sees the party. she ends her meeting
and tries to find out why the characters are here. lf
the party includes one or more members of the Lords'
Alliance. she offers to help them complete their mission.
Otherwise. she is unwilling to break her cover.

These outcasts perch atop high ledges or cling to the
high ceiling, attacking wilh their bows while staying


out of the range of melee weapons. A drider retreats if
reduced to 60 hit points or fewer.

The characters encounter a patrol consisting of 2d4
drow led by a drow elite warrior. The patrol stops and
questions any non·drow who aren't slaves. as weU as
drow they deem suspicious. It might take roleplaying or
a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Deception or Persuasion}
check to convince the patrol not to attack the party. rr
Grin Ousstyl is with the party, he quietly suggests that
the characters offer the drow a bribe of at least 50 gp. If
they do. the characters gain advantage on checks made
to talk their way past the patrol.
Any sign of a large, armed. and potentially
hostile group causes the patrol to retreat and seek
reinforcements. If the characters remain in the area.
t he patrol returns with two additional patrols ldlO
minutes later.

These drow became infected with Zuggtmoy's spores
and have transformed into spore servants. They silently
observe the party but don't attack the characters unless

A group of ld4 commoners (of any race) attempts to
hide from the approaching party. If spotted. they beg
the characters for mercy. explaining that they ha\·e
escaped from their drow masters following ~the great
demon's rampage" and have been hiding in the tunnels
ever since. The slaves can provide the characters with
a detailed description of the attack, confirming that the
demon lord Demogorgon was behind the destruction.
The slaves are desperate to escape from the drow and
pitifully grateful for any aid offered.

The goblins beg for food. lf the characters give them
food or otherwise treat the goblins well, they show the
party a secret door that opens into a forgotten tunnel.
Roll a dlO and consult the Goblin Tunnel table to
determine where t he tunnel leads.

d10 Tunnel Destination
1-2 Kyorbblivvin (see "Kyorbblivvin")
3-4 A hidden cave containing 1d4 m ind flayers
5-6 A hidden cave rn whrch the party can rest without
havmg to worry about random encounters
7-8 A hidden cave containing 4d8 goblins and a goblin
boss, who will trade a magic item in its possession
for the equivalent of 30 days of rations (to
determine the 1tem, roll once on Magic Item Table
C in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide)
9-10 A trap door near the Bazaar (see "The Bazaar")

Drow priestesses are fond of placing glyphs of warding
in the tunnels surrounding Menzoberranzan. S uch a
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