Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

glyph allows drow to pass safely but triggers whenever
a non-drow passes by it. A drow glyph of warding has a
spell save DC of 13 and an explosive runes effect (see
the spell's description in the Player's Handbook).

Mind flayers like to send intellect devourers into the
Dark Dominion in search of hosts. using them as
spies to keep an eye on the drow city. These intellect
devourers creep up behind the party and use their
Devour I ntellect attack against party members in the
rear of the marching order.


Characters who infiltrate Menzoberranzan might find
themselves in one or more of the following areas or


This 750-foot-wide circle of bare bedrock is a crowded,
untidy labyrinth of sralls, many of which were flattened
or torn asunder by Demogorgon. Merchants who
survived the attack are slowly returning to the Bazaar

and cleaning up the mess, but little business is
happening here at present. Drow commoners go quietly
about their business, heads down and hoods drawn.
as drow patrols brutally stamp down anything that
resembles theft or looting.
Characters moving through rhc Bazaar have at least
one encounter with a drow patrol consisting of two
drow mounted on giant riding lizards (see the end of
chapter 8 for statistics). lf one or more party members
appear to be anything other than drow or slaves in rhe
company of its drow master, the patrol immediately calls
for reinforcements. which arrive in ld4 rounds. These
reinforcement!> consist of 3d4 drow on foot and 2d4
gia nt spiders that scuttle down from nearby rooftops.

The Braeryn (also known as .. the Stenchstrects") is
a shantytown of ramshackle structures overlooking
garbage-choked alleyways. inhabited by the dregs of
drow society. Fallen priestesses. bankrupt merchants.
escaped slaves, and the homeless or maimed are
common here. as are visitors to the city who wish to go
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