Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


T he population of the Stenchstreets has swelled in the
wake of Demogorgon's rampagr. Drow who have lost
homes or businesses find what shelter t hey can here.
scratching out a meager exil>tcnce among the roughest
folk in Menzoberranzan.
The Braeryn is a great plal'c to find allies or meet
an untimely end. Roll for random encounters as the
characters explore this district. You can roll a d20 and
consult the Encounters in the Braeryn table. or choose
an encounl<'r that you like. The party can avoid random
encounters in the Braeryn by succeeding on a DC 15
Dexterity (Stealth) group check.

d20 Encounter
1-2 1d4 + 2 bugbears
3-8 Drow adolescents
9-10 Drow pickpocket
11 - 12 3d6 giant wolf s piders
13-14 Infected drow
15-16 Mad drow
17-18 1 shield dwarf berserker
19-20 Svlrfnebhn lure

These bugbears skulk through the streets, murdering
lone tra,•elers or small groups for food. If 1 he pany
outnumbers them. they follow the characters in the
hopes that one or more of them become separated from
the larger group. whereupon the bugbears attack.

This roving gang consists of ld6 + 6 drow bandits.
If the gang outnumbers the party. the drow attack.
Otherwise, they make lewd hand gestures at the party
but retreat if accosted.

This homeless drow commoner tries to pick the
pockets of a random party member. The drow has a
S leight of Hand skill modifier of +2.

These spiders are hungry and crawl out of buildings or
descend from rooftops to attack the party.

This drow has been infected with Zuggtmoy's spores
(see chapter 5) and will succumb to the infestation in
1d12 hours. Strange fungi has already begun sprouting
from the draw's head and limbs. The drow offers a 500
gp gemstone in exchange for the party's protection
and tries to stay as close to the characters as possible.
hoping to infect them with his or her spores when the
time comes.

This drow comm one r suffers from a form of indefinite
madness (see '·Madness" in chapter 2 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide). The drow believes he or she is the t r ue
voice of Lolth, tasked by the Demon Queen of Spiders to
admonish everyone for their lack of devotion, warning

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that "Demon~ will <'Ofll>Uflle you all!'' The mad drow
wears an amukt madr from a dead spider.

This chaotic neutral dwarf a former slave of the drow
sees nonexistent enemies everywhere. swinging his or
her greataxc at tht' c·mpty air. If a character engages the
dwarf in battle or conversation. the dwarf attacks.

A homeless deep gnome serves as hosr to an intellect
devourer. It tries to lure one or more characters ro
a ··secret enclave wherr rnemies of the drow plot to
overthrow Mcnzoberranzan." A successful DC 15
Wisdom (Insight) dH~ck rt-veals something indcscribabl.
odd or untrustworthy about the gnome. If the character5
follow the possessed gnome, they a re led to a cramped
cave under a dilapidated building. The cave is the secn:t
lair of another 2d4 intellect devourers.

Donigancn is the name given a large lake and the
surrounding farmland that dominat~s the eastern par·
of the cavern. Herds of rot he caule graze rhe island
at the center of the lake. whose northern and western
shores hold broad stretches of slave-tended fungi field,
that feed much of Mem:oberranzan.
The dark, cold waters oft he lake have a sinister
reputation, dating back to days when notable leaders ot
the great houses and their honored heroes were cast
into the lake, dressed in full regalia and weighed dO\\n
with stone spars. Many less important drow have been
sent by rivals to the bouom of the lake as well. whose
depths are suffused with faerzress that makes them
impenetrable to scrying and divination spells.
Donigarten was spared from Demogorgon's rampage
Although it is sparsely populated, the area is so vital ro
the city's survival that drow patrols are common here.
Roll for random encounters as the characters cross thi«
district. You can roll a d20 and consult the Donigarten
Encounters table, or choose an encounter that you like
The party can avoid random encounters in Donigarten
by succeeding on a DC 11 Dexterity (Stealth)
group check.

d20 Encounter
1-5 Drow patrol
6-8 2d4 + 2 drow s pore servants (see appendix C)
9-10 Escaped slaves
11-14 1d6 + 2 giant wolf s piders
15-20 Slave farmers

This patrol consists of two drow mounted on giant
riding lizards (see the end of chapter 8 for statistics) .• ·
one or more party members appear to be anything orhf'"·
than drow or slaves in the company of its drow master
the patrol immediately calls for reinforcements, which
arrive in ld4 +- 2 rounds. The reinforcements consist o·
ld4 similar drow patrols.
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