Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
It IS possible that the adventurers' drow jailers or pursuers
from Velkynvelve (chapter 1) managed to survive to this
point in the campa1gn, and that they have returned to
Menzoberranzan in the wake of Demogorgon's attack and
the ongoing chaos. If so, they might be on hand for an
unfortunate encounter w1th the party. If you are looking
to throw a tw1st mto the events in the City of Spiders,
having an old foe turn up at the least opportune moment
to denounce the characters as escaped prisoners and
enemies of the drow could well be it.

These creatures are loyal to House Baenre and have
magically bestowed truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
As they Ay over the plateau. they keep a watchful eye
on everyone and everything. However. they don't attack
unless House Baenre's holdings are in jeopardy.
If the character s drawn attention to themselves, the
gargoyles fiy back to !louse Bacnrc and report what
they've seen. Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre, believing
that the characters arc potentially of use to her,
dispatches eight elite drow patrols (see above) to bring
them to her at once. If the characters allow themselves
to be brought bc(orc the;nost powerful individual in the

city, see the ··Private Meetings·· section for tips on how
to roleplay the encounter with Matron Mother Qucnthel.

These spiders lurk in burrows beneath the gardens.
leaping out to attack the party as it passes by. Parry
members with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of
17 or higher aren't surprised by the spiders.

The characters happen upon ld8 drow commoners
tending the decorative fungi fields and gardens that
surround the various noble estates. These drow are low-
ranking members of their house. They give strangers
unpleasant looks but pose little threat.
There is a 25 percent chance that one of the drow
groundskeepers is actually a young drow noble who's
being punished for some infraction or political misstep.
This noble is bold enough to approach the characters
and demand to know their business. T he noble also
seizes any opportunity to reverse his or her recent
misfortune, perhaps by rooting out enemy spies or
using the characters to dispose of a rival. This noble is
treacherous, however, and doesn't make good on any
promises or bribes.
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