Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
To impress its neighbors and rivals. one of the ruhng
houses organizes a parade of its choicest slaves. The
characters encounter the parade as it meanders along
the boulevards of Qu'cllarz'orl.
Dozens of naked and chained slaves form the
parade. their bodies painted with dyes and perfumes.
Leading the s lave parade is a drow noble, while order
is maintained by 4d6 drow warriors in full ceremonial
house regalia.

Three large chasms score the floor of the cavern of

The Clawrift's uncharted depths have long been
rumored to extend into the Abyss. This legend
was seemingly proven true when the demon lord
Demogorgon emerged from the Clawrift, obliterating
the rope bridges that once extended across it. Bregan
D'aerthe spies are assessing the damage from their
base in a ruined drow compound overlooking the
Clawrift. {The compound was once House Oblodra, a
powerful drow house that was destroyed by Lolth over
one hundred years ago during the Time of Troubles.)

This long gorge at the city's center earned its name
from the rolling clouds of steam that forever billow
up from below. A number of subterranean streams
flow out of the Mistrift's vertical walls. tht!ir icy waters
cascading down into the darkened void below. Half a
mile down. the runoff collects in an ancient aquifer. its
waters superheated by an adjacent magma flow. Arcane
watermills collect water from the falls. diverting it to an
underground cistern that the drow can tap into.

The newest of the city's large clefts, Westrift swallowed
up three drow houses and a score of lesser dwellings
when it opened its yawning maw three centuries ago.
In more recent years. the rift has become home to
hundreds of giant arachnids. which have filled much of
the cleft with their webs and nests- to the extent that
anyone falling into the rift has a 75 percent chance
of being caught in a web. taking no damage from the
fall but attracting ld4 + 1 hungry giant spiders. See
"Dungeon Hazards" in chapter 5 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide for rules on escaping webs.
Characters entering Menzoberranzan by means of
Vizeran DeVir's secret tunnel come to a secret door that
pulls open to reveal a narrow ledge 60 feet below the
lip of the rift. Characters can scale the cleft wall with a
successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. as there
are abundant hand holds. Any character who fails the
check by 5 or more falls.


The Great Stair of Tier Breche rises from rhe Aoor
of Menzoberranzan to the cavern housing the
three branches of the Academy: Melee-\1agthere.

a pyramid-shaped edifice where drow warriors are
trained: Arach-Tinilith. a spider-shaped cathedral where
drO\v priestesses worship their demon goddess: and
Sorcerc. a magnificent tower where drow mages learn
to ma!>ter the magical arts. on-drow are forbidden
from entering this part of the city.
The stone steps are some three hundred feet wide
and rise nearly the same distanee. A pair of giant jade
spiders flanks the stairway at the top, ready to animate
to attack non·drow that climb the steps. The two jade
spiders have the statistics of stone golems with the
following statistical modifications:
The jade spiders have 250 hit points each.
They have a climbing speed of 30 feet.

  • They have truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
    Roll for random encounters as the characters
    explore the Academy grounds. You can roll a d20 and
    consult the Tier Breche Encounters table. or choose an
    encounter that you like. The party can avoid random
    encounters by succeeding on a DC 17 Dexterity (Stealth)
    group check. Sounds of battle are common at the
    Academy; however, drow guards are trained to tell the
    difference between training exercises and the sound of
    real combat. The latter attracts reinforcements in the
    form of ld4 elite drow warriors every round until the
    perceived threat is eliminated.

d20 Encounter
1-6 Drow acolytes
7-12 Drow mages
13-20 Drew warriors

The characters encounter 2d6 female drow acolytes
out for a walk. There is a 25 percent chance that a
drow priestess ofLolth is with them, filling the young
devotees' heads with wisdom and instructing them on
the Way of Lolth (see "The Way of Lolth" sidebar). If
they come under attack, the acolytes withdraw to Arach·
Tinilith while the priestess stands her ground.

The characters encounter ld3 drow mages out for a
walk. There is a 50 percent chance that these mages are
members of the Council of Spiders and of a mind to help
th<' characters infiltrate Sorccre. should the characters
reveal that they are in league with Vizeran DeVir. These
mages offer to cast greater invisibility spells on visible
characters and escort the party to Cromph's sanctum
in the tower. As long as the characters are under
the protection of these mages. they have no hostile
encounters until they enter Gromph's sanctum (see
"Sorcere'' for details}.

The characters encounter 4d6 drow warriors on a
training t>xercise. There is a 50 percent chance that
ld4 drow e lite warriors are with them, providing
instruction and discipline. Jf they spot non·drow on
Academy ground:;. the drow try lCl kill any intruder.

C HAPTf .R 15 I T l H! C I T Y OF SPJ0£1tS
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