Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


West Wall (also called "the Old Quarter'') is a primarily
residential neighborhood. Largely untouched by
Demogorgon's assault on the city, West Wall is a quiet
district, as its residents like to keep their dark schemes
and vile indulgences behind closed doors. Amid the
twisted streets and quiet mansions of West Wall stand
scores of s tone monuments dedicated to important
figures and mome nts in the city's history. as well as
numerous statues and graven images of Lolth.
Between West Wall and Narbondellyn is a residential
neighborhood called Lolth's Web. Its residents built
their homes upward. c rafting streets of magically
calcified strands of spider silk from the cavern floor to
the vaulted roof above. Hollow. cocoon-like dwellings
a re constructed both above and below th e layers
of webbing.
Roll for random encounters as the characters c ross
this district. You can roll a d20 and consult the West
Wall Encounters table. or choose an encounter that
you like. The party can avoid random encounters in
Wesl Wall by succeeding on a DC 13 Dexte rity (Stealth}
group check.

d20 Encounter
1- 3 Bandersnatches
4-7 Bregan D'aerthe spy
8- 14 Drow foot patrol
15- 17 Slave abuse
18-2 0 Statue oflolth

The characters draw the unwanted attention of the
Bandersnatches, a gang of young. demon-worshiping
drow who. in the wake of Demogorgon's attack, are
eager to c reate further unrest in the city. Gang members
send coded messages to one another by tapping hollow
rocks togelher, creating eerie clicking sounds that
echo throughout the otherwise quiet neighborhood.
Initially. ld4 drow bandits follow the party. scuttling
through dark alleys and across web·strung rooftops
while tapping their stones. urging more gang members
to converge on the party's location. At the e nd of each
round of clicking stones. anothe r ld4 drow bandits
appear. If the number of gang members grows to twe nty
or more. the bandits surround the party and demand
payment of 100 gp per party member for safe passage.
If the characters kill four or more bandits. the resr flee
before a drow patrol (see below) shows up.
Development. The consequence of killing one or
more bandits is retaliation. The gang organizes a
hunting party to find and kill o ne party member for
every gang member s lain. This hunting party is bold
e nough to leave the West Wall district, and you might
have th e Dandersnatchcs try to ambush the characters
as they make their way out of Menzoberranzan. The
hunting party consists of the gang's leader. her quasit
advisor, and thirty drow bandits.
The leader of the Bandersnatches is a capricious
and nil1ilis tic female drow named Viln Tirin. She has


the statistics of a bandit captain with the following

  • Viln is c haotic evil and has drow features (see the
    "Statistical Modifications to Drow NPCs'' sidebar).

  • She w ields a scimitar of speed and can ma ke one
    attack with it as a bonus action on her turn. AU of
    Viln's attac ks with the weapon are +7 to hit a nd deal 8
    (1d6 + 5) slashing damage on a hit.
    Viln carries four daggers coated with purple worm
    poison (see ''Poisons" in chapter 8 of the Dungeon
    Master's Guide). The poison on a dagger's blade
    is good for one hit only, whether the poison takes
    effect or not.
    She has a challenge rating of 5 (1.80 0 XP).

See ··o ut hcloi m" for more information.

This patrol consists of 2d4 drow. If one or more party
members appear to be anything other than drow or
s laves in the company of its drow master, the patrol
confronts the party and starts asking questions. lf any
of the answers arouse suspicion or come across as
insolent, th e d row attack.

The characters see a drow noble flogging one of a
handful of s laves (commoners of any race) while ld4
bugbear bodyguards keep an eye ou1 for trouble. Unless
the charac ters intervene, the me rciless noble has the
s lave dragged to the Westrift and unceremoniously
tossed into it. The poor s lave falls 3d6 x 10 feel before
being caught in a web and cocooned by a giant spide r
(to be devoured later). If the c haracters come to the
s lave's defense. the bugbears attack t hem.

See "Duthcloim" for more information.

As hostile as Menzoberranzan seems to outsiders. there
are powerful figures within the city who want the demon
lords expelled from the Underdark and a re willing to
help the characters accomplish this goal.

The matron mother of House Baenre is the voice of
Lolth in Menzoberranzan, and despite recent events.
maintains absolute comrol of the city. Quenthcl knows
how Demogorgon made his way from th e Abyss to the
City of Spiders. She wasn't surprised to learn that he r
brother Gromph-the Archmage of Menzoberranzan-
was behind it, for she's seen evidence of hi s growing
unhappiness in recent months, and she a lso knows
that Lolth was behind it. Qucnthel assumes that Lolth
is making some sort o f power play in the Abyss.
If Quenthellearns that advemurers are trying 10 rid
the Undcrdark of its de mon lord menace, s he doesn't
stand in the ir way (see ''Private Meetings") and even
allows them to travel through the city unmolested.
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