Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

Bregan D'aerthe is a mercenary company with more
power and innuence in Menzoberranzan than all the
lesser noble houses combined. Bregan D'aerthe benefits
from its close ties with House Baenre. The company's
founder and leader.jarlaxlc. is brother to both Matron
Mother Quemhcl Baenre and Arch mage Gromph
Baenre. though thi!. fact isn't widely known.
Jarlaxle doesn't care what the demon lords do in
the Underdark. but he's worried about the future of
Menzoberranzan as well as his secret holdings on the
surface world. He wants to know how the demon lords
arrived and how to send them back. and members of
Bregan o·aerthe will support characters who claim to
have those answers.

Many drow wizards have long sought a means of
increasing their power and innuence. frustrated that
the arcane arls arc viewed as secondary to the divine
magic of Lolth's priestesses. A secret cabal of noble
wizards calling itself the Council of Spiders works
to see wizards represented on the Ruling Council-
overturning thousands of years of tradition while
remaining true to Lolth's will.
The disappearance of Gromph Baenre and the
involvement ofVizeran DeVir in fending off the demonic
invasion offers wizards of the council an unparalleled
opportunity to advance their agenda. Vizeran has
cultivated his role as a patron and ally of the council to
gain inAuence among its members- while giving them
no hint of his desire to destroy the drow's obsessive
worship of Lolth. Vizeran has told council members
that adventurers are helping him banish the demon
lords back to the Abyss. and that they might come to
Mcnzoberranzan seeking lore from Gromph's sanctum
in Sorcerc. The council stands ready to disable the
magical wards on the tOwer. should this come to pass.

If House Baenrc and Bregan D'acrthe get wind of the
party's presence in the city. the characters are confronted
by drow tasked with escorting them to a private meeting
with the leader of each faction.jarlaxlc sends a devilishly
charming and :,arcastic male drow elite warrior named
Krilelyn H'Kar. tasked with leading characters to the
ruins of Housf' Do'Urden in the West Wall district.
Matron Mother Quenthel Bacnre sends thirty dour drow
elite warriors mounted on gia nt riding lizards (see
the end of chapter 8 for statistics). with six gargoyles
providing aerial support. They have orders to escort the
party to House Bacnre atop Qu'ellarz'orl.

Matron Mother Quenthcl Baenrc is absolutely loyal to
Lolth, but she has suspected for some time that her
brother Gromph is not. The arch mage has been missing
since the disastrous summoning ritual that pulled the
demon lords into the Underdark. and no one claims

CouN<:IL or

to know his whereabouts. The matron mother and
her closest allies have carefully covered up the truth
about Gromph's disappearance, proclaiming that the
archmage is hard at work investigating the demonic
invasion and seeking the means to send the demon lords
back to the Abys<>. Quenthel doesn't know ifGromph
is alive or dead. She knows only that she can't hide his
disappearance forever e,•en as she must ensure that no
damage C'Omc:. to her house as a result of his actions.
Qucnthel doesn't care that the adventurers are
fighting to send the demon lords back to the Abyss, or
that Menzoberrantan might suffer under another demon
lord assault. She':. conC'erned only about I louse Baenre.
By the matron mother's addled logic. Lolth is using
the demon lords to test the strength of House Baenre
and lay waste to the enemies of the drow. However. the
matron mother does n't want Gromph's spell or damning
evidence of his actions falling into the wrong hands.
Whether the characters arc brought in by force or
arrive willingly. read the following when they meet
Quenthcl Baenrc.

A vast web of heavy metallic strands forms a kind of
fence around a sprawling compound of structures laid
out on the plateau at the top of Menzoberranzan's great
cavern. Dozens of massive stalagm1tes and stalactite s
have been carved and shaped into towers, girded with
balconies and walkways, and connected with delicate·
looking ramps and bridges. All the compound 1s lit with
blaz1ng light 1n pale shades of violet. green, and blue.
Dozens of drow warriors are stationed on the overlooks
and walkways, ever vigilant as they watch your approach.

When the ch<Jractcrs are taken into the compound. the
matron mother welcomes tlwm in her throne room- a
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