Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


Zuggrmoy, Demon Queen of Fungi, plots to "wed"
Araumycos, an enormous fungus occupying a large
area of the Underdlark. After uniting their powers in
an unholy mockery of matrimony-in truth, a demonic
rite of domination- Zuggtmoy will gain the power to
transform the whole of th e Underdark into her new
Abyssal domain. The only things in her way are a core
of resistance in the myconid community, the rage of her
rival Juiblex, and the determination of the adventurers.
The characters receive a warning about Zuggtmoy's
plans from Basidia, one of the myconid sovereigns
of Neverlight Grove. After traveling to the caverns of
Araumycos. they reach out to Araumycos's alien mind
with the aid of Basidia's rapport spores, and try to free it
from Zuggtmoy's demonic influence.Juiblex seizes the
opportunity to crash the wedding. and the two demon
lords do baule. \\hen the characters sever Zuggtmoy's
link with Araumycos.Juiblex destroys her material
form. leaving the adventurers to face the remaining (and
weakened) demon lord in battle.

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The adventurers become caught up in Zuggtmoy's plots
when they experience a vision from the rebel myconids
of Neverlight Grove, delivered by Sovereign Basidia.
The characters know of Basidia and the myconids'
struggles if they visited Neverlight Grove (see chapter
5 ). Otherwise. the myconids reach out to them if they
sheltered Stool or Rumpadump for a time.
Basidia's vision can come at any point. whether
the characters are asleep or awake. You can choose
to have the vision affect aU or some of the player
characters. or to have some of their PC followers
affected as well. Read the following text aloud. making
adjustments as necessary if the characters have not me•
Sovereign Basidia.

A soft, glowing light rises from ahead, emanating from
a vast cavern. The ent~re surface of the cave-floor,
walls. and ceiling-is blanketed in moss and fungi, all in
shades of white and soft pastels of pink, violet, green,
and pale blue. The diffuse light the mushrooms shed
makes the vista waver as 1f seen through mist.
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