Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
Some forty miles southeast of the Darklake lies the vast
territory of Araumycos (see th<" Underdark overview
map in chapter 2).

As the characters travel toward Araumycos. use the
Creature Encounters table in this section rather than
the Creature Encounters table in chapter 2.
Once tht> characters enter Araumycos·s territory. usc
the Araumycos Encounters table instead of the random
encounter tables in chapter 2. While the characters are
in Araumycos's domain, check for a random encounter
twice per day: once while tht>y are traveling. and again
while they are camped or resting.

d2 0 Encounter
Death tyrant
2-6 Demons
7-8 Gnoll pack
9-10 Gncks
11- 14 Myconid parade
15 18 Oozes
19-20 Two-headed trolls

d20 Encounter
1-5 No encounter
6-10 Fungi
11-14 Mold pit

15 - (^17) Myconid parade
18-20 Oozes
Characters within 1 mile of the death tyrant's lai r feel
as if they're being watched even when th ey a re n't. While
defending its cavernous lair. the tyrant avails itself of its
la ir actions.
Treasure. If the characters defeat the death tyrant,
they can plunder its hoard: 4d6 x 1 ,000 gp, 5d6 x 100
pp, 3d6 500 gp gems, and ld6 magic items (determine
each one by rolling on Magic Item Table C in chapter 8
of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
One or more demons encounter the party and attack.
Roll a dl2 and consult the Demons table w determine
what the characters meet.
d20 Demons
1-2 2d4 barlguras
3-4 2d4 chasmes
5-6 1d4 hezrous
7-8 1d100 manes
9- 10 1 nalfeshnee
11 -12 2d4 vrocks
This encounter occurs only while the characters are
traveling; otherwise, treat it as "no encounter ...
The party happ<"ns upon a cave overgrown with fungi.
Roll a d6 and consult the Fungi table to determine what
special type of fungi can be found here.
If this encounter takes place in Araumycos's domain.
an overabundance of fungi cover all of the other cave
exits, requiring the characters to hack or blast their wa}
through (or find a route around).
d6 Fungi
1 1 d6 gas s pores
2 1d6 violet fungi
3- 4 3d6 edible fung1 (choose from the varieties in
"Fungi of the Underdark" in cha pte r 2)
5-6 3d6 exotic fungi (choose from the varieties in
"Fungi of the Unde rdark" in chapter 2)
A hunting pack consisting of one gn oll pack lord and
3d6 gn olls has been driven into a frenzy by the presence
of Yeenoghu in the Underdark. The characters can't be
surprised by the gnolls. whose incessant cackling gives
them away.
A grick alpha and ld4 ,. 2 gricks lair in a cave. Tbey
spring out from hiding to attack any creature that
stumbles into their territory.
One party member (determined randomly) steps on a pit
of soft mold hidden beneath a thin carpet of moss, and
sinks into it. The effect is identical £O that of quicksand
(see chapter 5, "Adventure Environments," of the
Dungeon Master's Guide).
The characters stumble upon ld4 m yeonid adults, 2d6
m yconid sprouts , and one or more spore servants.
Roll a d8 and consult the Spore Servants table to
determine what kind of spore servants are present.
d8 Spore Servants
1-2 1d6 chuul s pore servants (see appendix C)
3-4 1d6 drow spore s e rvants 1d6 duergar s pore
s ervants (see appendix C for both)
5-6 ld6 d row spore servants (see appendix C) and 1d6
quaggoth spore servants
7-8 1d6 hook horror spore servants (see appendix C)
Subjects of Zuggtmoy, the myconids and their spore
servants caper and dance madly to music only they can
hear. The myconids insist that all other creatures they
meet join them, releasing a cloud of spores if anyone
refuses to do so. They can release this cloud once,
and any c reature within 30 feet of one or more of the

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