Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
myconids when the cloud is released must succeed
on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become
charmed. While charmed in this way. a creature can
do nothing other than dance and usc its movement to
follow the myconid parade. The creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each hour, ending the
effect on itself on a success. Casting lesser restoration,
greacer restoration. remove curse, or similar magic on
a creature also ends the effect on it.
The myconids and their spore servants attack only
if they're attarked or prevented from cominuing on
their march.

The character~ encounter one or more oozes. Roll a d4
and con~ult the Oozes table to determine what kinds of
oozes the characters encounter.

O ozEs

1 black p udding and 1d6 gray oozes
1 bla ck pudding and ld4 ochre jellies
3d6 black pud dings
2d4 gelatinous cubes

If the encounter occurs en route to Araumycos.
the oozes are slithering toward the giant fungus.
Otherwise. the oozes are feasting on Araumycos itself.
In either event, the oozes fight only in self-defense.

Warped by Demogorgon's presence in the Underdark.
these trolls ha,·e each grown a sc<·ond head. As part
of its \ 1ultiauack routine. a rwo ht"aded troll can make
a Bite :utack as a bonus action on its turn. The party
encounters ld4 + I of these hungry creature~. which
otherwise have the statistics of a normal troll.

In the time it takes the characters to reach Araumycos·s
caverns after receiving Basidia's message, Zuggtmoy
and her fungal entourage arrive at the site of the
ceremony. near the center of those caverns. The
entourage includes hundreds of myconid adults
and myco nid sprouts. accompanied by a wa ke ned
zurkhwoods and bridesmaids of Zuggtmoy (both from
appcndi'< C). as well as ambulator) fungi such as violet
fungi a nd gas s p ores. Various spore scn·ants fill out
Zuggtmoy's entourage (sec the "Myconids" entry of the
Monster Mamwl a nd appendix C of this adventure).

As the chararters approach the center of Araumycos's
great cavern complex, Basidia meets them with a small
detachment of loyal myconids. The myconid SO\ ereign
explain~ that it can infuse the characters with rapport
spores and neutralized servitor spores. enabling them
to blend in with the fungal servitors accompanying
Zuggtmoy. The characters then have a few hours to
make their way to the center of Araumycos·s territory
where Zuggtmoy's ritual is srt to take place.

When the) are sufficient I) dose to the ep•centcr of
the ritual. the characters will be able to enter rapport
with Araumycos. Basidia's rapport -;pores help facilitate
the process. but Araumycos·s sleeping mind isn't in full
control of the defenses of its body. and might interpret
the characters' presence as an attack. Basidia warns
the characters that they must be on their guard for a
reaction from the vast fungus.
Once the characters have entered rapport. they must
seck out Araumycos's sleeping mind and awaken it to
tht' danger it faces. Basidia doesn't know if Zuggtmoy
will become aware of what the character~ are doing. but
if she does. they will have only a limited amount of time
before the demon queen tries to stop thrm.

Once Basidia has explained the plan to the characters.
read the follow ing boxed text aloud to the plnyers.

Even as the myconid sovere1gn's thoughts fill your mind,
you become aware of a faint hissing and fizzmg sound.
The fungus around you dissolves to a formless goo as
somethmg moves in the undergrowth to surround you!

A pair of regenerating b lack puddings. sp•es for juiblcx.
slitlwr through the undergrowth to attack the party.
The characters· myconid allies fall back from the fray.
desperate to protect Sovereign Basid ia ""d pleading
for the adventu re rs' aid th rough the telepathic rapport
they share.
Empowered by juiblcx. these regenerating black
puddings ha,·e an Intelligence of 6 ( 2) and the following
feature. which increases each pudding's challenge
rating ro 5 (1.800 XP).
Regeneration. The pudding regams 10 h1t pomts at the
start of its turn. If the pudding takes fire damage. th1s trait
doesn't function at t he start of the puddmg's next turn. The
pudding dies only if it starts 1ts turn with 0 h1t pomts and
doesn't regenerate.

Once the charaett>rs receive Ba!';idia's spore!> and
ovt'rcomejuiblex's black pudding spies, they should set
out at once for the depths of Araumyco~ a:. the rapport
takes hold. Unfortunately, they have no means of
a!>suring the s lumbering fungal entity of their intentions,
and the growing threat posed by Zuggtmoy and the
demon lords has roused Araumycos'!> defenses.

The pastel colors offungi t rans fo rm the caverns you
pass through into softly glowing meadows. The floor is
spongy, and the myconid spores are makmg you start to
feel drowsy-at least, you hope that's what's behind this
strange sensation. The n you feel the ground beneath you
shift as something moves-a number of a th1ck, spiky
tendrils bursting from the ground.

C II APT ER to I riH fl. Ttn \1 f IJDING
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