Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
If you want to pose a moral dilemma for the characters,
have Vizeran tell them that the ritual needs a final
component, to be delivered while it is performed: the
sacrifice of an innocent sentient betng, whose blood
will fuel and activate the ritual's fiendish magic. Will the
adventurers willingly sacrifice one life to stop the demon
lords from threaten1ng the Underdark and the whole
of FaerOn?
This kind of moral dilemma can add significant drama
to the story. However, 1t can also be played out as a red
herring-by having it be something Vizeran asks for even
though it's not necessary. The drow arch mage might be
testing the characters to see how far they'll go, or he could
be affi1cted with madness that makes him believe such a
sacrifice is necessary even though it isn't.
A character can figure out the truth with a DC 20
Intelligence (Arcana) check, or by consulting Gromph
Baenre's grimoire (see chapter 1 5). Alternatively, Grin
Ousstyl can tell the characters the truth, enraging his
master as a result.

Vizeran (assisted by Grin if the apprentice is
available), performs the complex ritual in the sanctum
of his tower. The ritua I causes the dark heart to radiate
a summons throughout the Underdark using the
faerzress-an irresistible call drawing the demons
toward it. When the ritual reaches its conclusion at the
end of nine hours. portals of faerzress form. All the


One or more of the characters might choose to stay with
Vizeran during the nine-hour performance of the ritual,
whether to guard against treachery or to reclaim Gromph's
grimoire once the ntual is done. If this is the case, you
can add some action for those who remain behind by
having a small number of the demons summoned by
the ritual attracted to the site of the ritual rather than the
location of the doric heart talisman. Alternatively, agents of
Quenthel Baenre or Jarlaxle can attack Araj when the ritual
is complete, wanting to silence Vizeran before he can reveal
what he knows about Gromph Baenre (see chapter 1 5).
Vizeran might also Jearn of Grin Ousstyl's betrayal of
information to the adventurers, and choose to eliminate
him immediately after he's served his purpose in assisting
with the ritual. This might lead some characters back to Araj
to aid the drow apprentice.

demons and demon lords in the Underdark are drawn
through those portals, appearing together in the area
around the dark heart talisman.
Enraged by being forcibly summoned yet again by a
ritual, the demons fly into a frenzy once they see each
other, beginning a battle to the death. As each demon's
material form is destroyed, its essence is banished back
into the Abyss. The task of the adventurers is to be close
at hand but not get caught up in the battle until one
demon lord is left standing, weakened and spent from
the conflict. That becomes the adventurers· cue to attack
and destroy the last demon lord, banishing it to the
Abyss if they succeed.

The players can choose where their characters confront
the demon lords by deciding where to set the dark
hearc talisman. Vizcran's preference is anywhere in
Menzoberranzan, because he wants all drow to see the
poisoned fruits of their misplaced worship of Loll h.
However, from what Grin Ousstyl tells them in chapter
15 , the adventurers should learn that the talisman can
be placed in any location.
Wherever the players decide to place the talisman,
their characters must travel to that location while
Vizer an makes his final preparations for the ritual.
Given their experiences in the Underdark, the
adventurers should be able to think of a number of
likely sites for the final ballle. A few likely options are
discussed here.

At the center of the network of caves and passages
inhabited by Araumycos, the cavern wherejuiblex and
Zuggtmoy battled in chapter 16 is a good porenrial
site. If the vast fungal colony is already dead or badly
damaged by its abuse at Zuggtmoy's hands, it's in no
position to object. Otherwise, it opposes becoming a
baulefield out of a sense of self-preservation. Unleashing
the demons within Araumycos does considerable
damage to the fungal colony, but doesn't destroy it.
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