Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

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lost somewhere within the infinite depths of that plane,
at least until it resurfaces again.

One or more of the demon lords might remain in the
Underdark or on the Material Plane by the end of the
campaign. having managed to avoid being drawn into
Vizeran's trap. Graz'zt is a good possibilicy. ln this case.
a continuing campaign might be necessary for the high-
level heroes to acquire the resources they need to take on
any remaining demon lords, since the trick with the dark
heart isn't going to work a second time.
The characters' continuing adventures could involve
further cooperation with Vizeran DeVir (if he survives)
or delving deeper into the Underdark for legendary
weapons or magic. The characters might even venture
out into the other planes of existence with the aid of
Araumycos or the librarians of Graven hollow, seeking
al lies, lore, and resources to combat the demon lords
and return them to the Abyss.

Ambitious adventurers might decide to take the fight to
Lolth. seeking to punish her for what she unleashed on
the Material Plane and to undo whatever her scheme
might have gained her. Vizeran will be inclined to help
them find a way to reach the Demonweb (Lolth's layer of
the Abyss). since the drow archmage hates the Demon
Queen of Spiders and her subjugation of his race.
As they travel through the Abyss. the characters
might discover that the demon lords they defeated in the
Underdark are potential allies in this new quest. Those
demon lords want their own revenge upon Lolth for her
scheme, and it might suit their mad whims to use the
adventurers as their agents to achieve it.
If and when the characters confront Lolth, they find
her pregnant and surrounded by thousands of eggs-her
unborn young. When the eggs hatch. the Demon Queen
of Spiders plans to send her offspring throughout the
Abyss, creating a new generation of demon lords under
her sway. r low th<' heroes thwart Lolth's mad scheme
remains to be seen!

Tn the evemthe heroes were not successful, a potential
new campaign could take place in a FaerOn threatened-
or even ruled-by demon lords with access to the surface
world. In addition to their summoned armies of demons
and fiendish creatures, they gather worldly forces of
chaos and evil to their banners to launch a war against all
civilized lands. A world under the assault or rule of the
demon lords is a world in need of heroes.

The fate of Gromph Baenre. instigator of chaos and
Vizeran's rival. remains a mystery. If he yet lives. his role
in recent events earns him many new enemies. Matron
Mother Quenthel Baenre handpicks a new Arch mage
of Menzoberranzan to replace her troublesome brother.
knowing Gromph will not be found until he chooses
to reappear.


If the City of Spiders is the site of the demon lords' battle.
it is damaged even more than it was by Demogorgon's
arrival. Word of the city's misfortune spreads throughout
the Underdark, with other races and factions trying to
claim some of the power long held by the drow.
Despite Vizeran's best efforts, not all drow believe that
Lolth is responsible for the disaster, instead blaming
a lack of faith in the Demon Queen of Spiders, as well
as the power of the wizards. Chaos and agitation for
change embroil the city, forcing the already weakened
ruling houses to put down challenges to their power
even as they make concessions to their rivals.
A civil war between the drow isn't likely to remain
contained within Menzoberranzan-or even the
Underdark-as different sides look for resources and
advantages. The adventurers could get involved on
either side of the conAict, or might aid surface-world
factions intent on containing the war in the Underdark
until it eventually winds down.

Even if the heroes eliminate the threat the demon lords
represent to Gaumlgrym, the Underdark remains in a
state of chaos. The defenders of Gauntlgrym need aid
to rebuild and strengthen the city's defenses. and to
remain \'igilant for new threats gathering in the dark
depths of the world. King Bruenor might offer the
triumphant heroes noble titles and positions of power
in his kingdom in the hope of enlisting their aid against
the troubles to come. The adventurers might get the
opportunity to earn those titles all over again when
an Underdark army marches on the dwarf kingdom,
determined to claim Gauntlgrym and the power of the
primordial bound within its Great Forge.

Although he's nominally the party's ally during much of
this adventure. Vizeran DeVir can't be underestimated.
Once the immediate threat is dealt with. the drow
arch mage turns his attention to other goals- claiming
what he considers his rightful place of power among
the drow, and overthrowing the tyrannical rule of Lolth
and her priestesses. Vizeran might start a civil war
among the dark elves one that could easily drag in
the other civilizations of the Underdark and parts of
FaerOn as well.
AJthough Vizeran won't immediately turn against his
former allie!>. the adventurers would be fools to trust
him. He seizes an} opportunicy to increase his own
power and prestige. including holding on to Gromph's
grimoire and any ritual components or trinkets the
adventurers might have acquired for him.
lfthc adventurers thwarted Vizcran's revenge
scheme by placing the dark heart talisman somewhere
other than Menzoberranzan, they earn the drow
arch mage's enmity. Vizeran's plots expand to include
the adventurers as well as his own people, and the next
great challenge the heroes face might come from the
arch mage as he plans his revenge.
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