Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

Wondrous item, rarity varies (attunement optional)

A spell gem can contain one spell from any class's spell
list. You become aware of the spell when you learn the
gem's properties. While holding the gem, you can cast
the spell from it as an action if you know the spell or if
the spell is on your class's spell list. Doing so doesn't
require any components and doesn't require attune-
ment. The spell then disappears from the gem.
lf the spell is of a higher level Lhan you can nor-
mally cast, you must make an ability check using your
spellcasting ability to determine whether you cast it
successfully. The DC equals 10 +the spell's level. On a
failed check, the spell disappears from the gem with no
other e ffect.
Each spell gem has a maximum level for the spell it
can store. The spell level determines the gem's rarity
and the stored spell's saving throw DC and attack
bonus, as shown in the Spell Gem table.
You can imbue the gem with a spell if you're attuned
to it and it's empty. To do so, you cast the spell while
holding the gem. The spell is stored in the gem instead
of having any effect. Casting the spell must require
either 1 action or 1 minute or longer, and the spell's level
must be no higher than the gem's maximum. If the spell
belongs to the school of abjuration and requires material
components that are consumed, you must provide them,
but they can be worth half as much as normal.
Once imbued with a spell, the gem can't be imbued
again until the next dawn.
Deep gnomes created these magic gemstones and
keep the creation process a secret.

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Created by the stone giant librarians of Gravenhollow,
this nineteen-inch-long shard of quartz grants you
advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks while
it is on your person.
The crystal has 10 charges. While holding it, you can
use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one
of the following spells from it: speak with animals (2
charges), speak with dead (4 charges), or speak with
plants (3 charges).


Max. Spell Level Gemstone Rarity

Magic items crafted by the drow-and often other races
of the Underdark- use components and rites never
meant to see the light of day. Many such items, including
drow armor, weapons, and piwafwi cloaks, permanently
lose their magic if they are exposed to sunlight for 1
hour without interruption. Charged items such as a
wand of viscid globs are destroyed after 1 hour's exposure
to sun fight.

When you cast a divination spell, you can use the
crystal in place of one material component that would
normally be consumed by the spell, at a cost of 1
charge per level of the spell. The crystal is not con-
sumed when used in this way.
The c rystal regains ld6 + 4 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the crystal's last charge, roll a d20.
On a 1, the crystal vanishes, lost forever.

Wand, rare (requires attunement)
Crafted by the drow, this slim black wand has 7 charges.
While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of
its charges to cause a small glob of viscous material
to launch from the tip at one creature within 60 feet of
you. Make a ranged attack roll against the target, with
a bonus equal to your spellcasting modifier (or your
Intelligence modifier, if you don't have a spellcasting
ability) plus your proficiency bonus. On a hit. the glob
expands and dries on the target, which is restrained for
1 hour. After that time, the viscous material cracks and
falls away.
Applying a pint o r more of alcohol to the restrained
creature dissolves the glob instantly, as does the applica-
tion of oil of etherealness or universal solvent. The glob
also dissolves instantly if exposed to sunlight. No other
non magical process can remove the viscous material
until it deteriorates on its own.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
midnight. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a
d20. On a 1, the wand melts into harmless slime and is
A wand of viscid globs is destroyed if exposed ro sun-
light for 1 hour without interruption.

Save DC Attack Bonus
Cantrip Obsidian Uncommon^13 +5
1st Lapis lazuli Uncommon^13 +5
2nd Quartz Rare l3 +5
3rd Bloodstone Rare^15 +7
4th Amber Very rare^15 +9
5th jade Very rare^17 +9
6th Topaz Very rare^17 +10
7th Star ruby Legendary 18 +10
8th Ruby Legendary 18 + 10
9th Diamond Legendary 19 +11

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