As characters explore the Oozing Temple, keep in mind the
following features.
Light. Except where specified otherwise, the tunnels and
chambers are dark.
Air. The air is stale and perceptibly thin. The temple
contains enough air for the oozes, plus 160 hours of
breathable air for one creature, divided by the number of
creatures present. For example, a party of four adventurers
has 40 hours of air. Characters who are at rest and not
undertaking activities such as moving or fighting consume
half as much air.
Once half of the breathable air i s consumed, the
characters suffer one level of exhaustion (see appendix A
of the Player's Handbook). For each additional 10 percent
of the air used up, the characters suffer one additional
level of exhaustion. At 90 percent, the characters are
unable to move. When the air is used up, they die. Once
the first level of exhaustion sets in, the characters become
aware that they are running out of air, and know roughly
how much they have left.
A lit torch or its equivalent uses up air as a character
does. Briefer but hotter magical effects consume 1 hour of
air per die of fire damage per round. For example, a fireball
spell that deals 8d6 fire damage consumes 8 hours of air,
while afire bolt that deals 1d10 fire damage consumes 1
hour of air per use.
Water. In addition to running low on air, the characters
become aware that the tunnels and chambers are filling
with water Aowing in from area 6. The water rises at a
rate of 1 foot per hour, meaning most of the tunnels and
chambers will be completely Aooded within 10 hours.
Areas filled with waist-deep water are difficult terrain for
the characters. Once the water is over their heads, they
have to swim.
CHI\I'TfR 2 1 ·~·•o nMlKN~ss
Age Size Notes
Infant Tiny AC 10; 4 (1d4 + 2) hit points;
(up to 1 month) speed 10ft., climb 10ft.; Str
9 (-1); no effective attacks;
Challenge 0 (0 XP)
Young Small AC 11; 11 (2d6 + 4) hit points;
(1-3 months) speed 15ft., climb 15ft.; Str^12
(+1); hook attacks are +3 to hit,
have a reach of 5 ft., and deal 3
(1d4 + 1) piercing damage on a
hit; Challenge 1{4 (50 XP)
Juvenile Medium AC 13; 39 (6d8 + 12) hit points;
(3-6 months) speed 20ft., climb 20ft.; Str 15
(+2); hook attacks are +4 to hit ,
have a reach of 5 ft., and deal S
(1d6 + 2) piercing damage on a
hit; Challenge 2 (4 50 XP)
Adult Large See the Monster Manual
(6+ months)
The gnolls have a small camp set up here to prevent the
hook horrors from fleeing in this direction.
Three gnolls guard the camp and attack any creatures
emerging from the runnels that are not of their kind.
A tremor causes a cave-in and traps the adventurers
in a maze of tunnels with no obvious way out. With a
dwindling air supply and water rising in the tunnels,
the characters are forced to find a means of escape.
Complicating matters, part of the maze belongs to a
forgotten te mple that now serves as the lair of servants
of the de mon lord juiblex.
As the characters make their way through a 10-foot-high
tubular passage, a tre mor shakes the area and drops
part of the ceiling on them. Each party member must
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 5
(ldlO) bludgeoning damage from faUing debris.
Once the dust clears, the characters realize that fallen
rock has buried both ends of the passageway. However,
a new passage has opened in one of the walls. offering a
possible escape route. It's clear that the route the party
was following has been permanently blocked by tons of
rubble. and runs the risk of triggering another collapse
if the characters attempt to dig out. - DRIPPING DEATH
Whether finished Slone or rough rock, the walls of these
10-foot-high areas glisten with dark, dripping water.
Eac h of these keyed areas holds a gray ooze that
pours through c racks in the ceiling to attack any
creatures that e nter.