successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perce ption) check enables a
character to notice that the stone is weakened.
More than 50 pounds of weight o n an undermined
area causes it to collapse. A creature standing in the
area must succeed on a DC 11 Dexte rity saving throw
to grab the edge of the pit, after whic h the creature
mus t succeed on a DC 11 Strength (Athletics) check
to scramble out. On a failed saving throw or a failed
c heck, the creature falls into the pit and takes ld6
bludgeoning damage.
At the bottom of each pit is a black pudding, which
attacks any creature that falls in.lf de nied a victim, or if
it devours a fallen creature quickly, the pudding climbs
up the sides to attac k any dangling creatures, or to move
into the hallway in search of prey.
This room contains a stone fountain with a raised edge.
The basin contains shallow, brackish water. At the
cente r of the pool. the rubble of a broke n statue rest atop
a pedestal. All that remains recognizable are a pair of
clawed stone fee t clutching the pedestal's top. Carved
into the walls are seve n niches. Wate r seeps into one
niche through a crack in the wall. The two niches that
tlank it are empty. Strange, formless sculptures occupy
the four remaining nic hes.
The "sculptures" are ac tually four gray oozes held in
magical stasis. They liquefy and attack when any one of
them is touched or da maged.
Hidde n beneath the dark waters of the fountain are 112
sp, 41 gp, three gree n-gold bracelets worth 25 gp eac h. a
drow +1 dagger (the hilt has a spide r design). a p otion of
greate r healing, and a vial containing oil of slipperiness.
Characters approaching this rough-walled cave bear
the sound of pouring water. The wate r e nters through
cracks in the 10-foot-high ceiling. Given the rate at
which the water flows in, the charac te rs can easily
conclude that the cracks were caused by the tremor they
experie nced, and it's only a matter of time before the
wate r floods the entire complex.
The water rises at a ra te of 1 foot pe r hour until the
tunnels are completely flooded. However, c hipping
away at any of the cracks causes more of the ceiling to
collapse, doubling the amount of wa te r pouring into the
complex but also revealing a diverted underground river