Sloobludop simmers with religious fervor and
sectarian tension. While many of the kuo-toa still
worship the goddess Blibdoolpoolp. a faction has
shifted its worship to Leemooggoogoon the Deep
Father, a vision influenced by the manifestation of the
demon prince Demogorgon from the depths of the
Darklake. Initially. the archpriest of Blibdoolpoolp
tolerated this- but then his own daughter declared
herself an archpriest of Lcemooggoogoon. and the cult
began to grow.
The characters can choose to go to Sloobludop for
several reasons:
T hey need a boat (and possibly a guide) to navigate the
Darklake. Travel along the waterways of the Darklake
is an excellent way to throw ofT their drow pursuers
(sec chapter 2 for details).
Staying a short while in Sloobludop can provide
a respite from pursuit, since the drow arc reluc-
tant to provoke the kuo-toa needlessly. Reduce the
pursuit level by 1 while the characters consider
their next move.
- The characters need supplies and equipment, and
hope the kuo-toa might be willing to trade for what-
ever they can offer. Alternatively, the characters might
try to steal what they need from the kuo-toa.
Shuushar might point out any of the previous reasons,
or wish to go to Sloobludop to rejoin his people, feel-
ing he has important guidance to offer them.
Shuushar might not be the only one with Mhigher
guidance." One or more characters might expe-
rience dreams or visions guiding them toward
Sloobludop spreads out along the rocky shore of the
waters of a broad cavern lake, with high fences of woven
netting to the north and south of the village boundaries.
Light. Sloobludop's cavern is almost entirely dark except
for a few spots of dim light from phosphorescent fungus
and coral, or from glowing cave-fish glands. The kuo-toa
recoil from areas of bright illumination, becoming hostile
if bright light is brought among them.
Bridges and Platforms. Bridges and platforms are
haphazardly strung throughout the city, connect_ing vari~us
levels of structures with each other as well as cnsscrossmg
open spaces. Characters can move at a normal pace
across the platforms and bridges, but this puts strain on
their poor construction. Whenever one or more characters
move at normal speed across a bridge or platform,
roll a d6. On a roll of 1, a bridge flips or breaks to drop
characters to the platform below, or a platform tilts to tip
the characters into the water. These areas can be navigated
safely by treating them as difficult terrain.
Language. None of the 1nhabitants ofSioobludop
speak Common or any surface-world language, which
might present a challenge for the characters. The fish-folk
speak Undercommon, and Stool the myconid spro~t-c~n
establish communication using its rapport spores 1f 1t 1s
present. Shuushar the kuo-toa monk can also translate if
he accompanies the party.
Sloobludop- not realizing that such dreams are sim·
ply further manifestations of the madness growing in
the Underdark.
A number of important kuo-toa have the ability to
influence the adventurers' fate in Sloobludop.
Archpriest of the Blibdoolpoolp
the Sea Mother
Ploopploopeen's daughter, now
calling herself the archpriest of
Leemooggoogoon the Dee p Father;
demon tainted
Ploopploopeen's son, kuo -toa whip,
and loyal worshiper of the Sea Mother
Kuo-toa whip and keeper of the altar of
the Deep Father
If Shuushar accompanies the party, the kuo-toa monk
can be helpful in communicating with his people at
Sloobludop. However, keep in mind that Shuushar is
either a heretic or a holy man depending on which kuo-
toa he's speaking to, and how they view things at that
particular moment. The mysterious monk could serve
as an ace in the hole to help the party out. or he could
just as easily cause trouble with his stubborn refusal co
acknowledge his fellow kuo-toa's religious obsessions
Though the kuo·toa are mad, at least some of that
madness comes from an utterly alien mind-set. Although
amphibious air dwellers, the kuo·toa still largely behave as
aquatic creatures. Thus, much of what they do on land is a
bizarre approximation of life under the water.
Kuo-toa names are a long series of gargling syllables,
and their voices have a bubbly, gargling quality. However,
the kuo·toa communicate as much through gesture as
speech. They have difficulty standing still, and are pro~e to
quick, darting movements. They pace constantly, walkmg
in circles around creatures talking to them. A kuo-toa
priest speaking to a group of followers doesn't stand at ~
podium but wanders aimlessly while the crowd follows like
a school of fish.
Kuo-toa prefer their leaders to be physically above
their subordinates. (If no dais or platform is available for
leaders, they have been known to literally stand on top of
prostrate underlings.) However, leaders tend to dwell on
the lowest levels of buildings because these are considered
the safest areas m a settlement, due to their proximity to
the water.
Since the kuo·toa are fishlike, they lack eyelids. This
isn't only unnerving in conversation (a kuo-toa never
blinks), but it also means that kuo-toa all look the same
sleeping as awak~and virtually all kuo-toa sleepwalk,
making things even more confusing. There is a 25 percent
chance that any individual kuo-toa the party encounters in
Sloobludop is sleepwalking, ignoring everyone around it
and moving in a shuffling gait from place to place.