Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

These ld4 + 1 orcs have come to Gracklstugh as
caravan guards. and see the characters as a c hance to
bully some surface dwellers. The orcs try to goad the
characters into striking ftrst. then quickly stand down.
IillO\ ing that a patrol (see "Ducrgar Patrol") will arrive
ld6 rounds after combat starts.

The characters come across a group of ld4 + 1 duergar
slavers herding unarmed s laves (roll a d12 and consult
~e Slaves table). The slaves wear iron collars and
manacles similar to the ones worn by the characters in
\clkynvelve (see "Restraints" in chapter 1).

dl2 Slaves
1- 2 2d4 human commoners
3-4 3d4 shield dwarf commoners
5-6 2d4 strongheart haiAing commoners
7-8 3d6 goblins
9-10 2d6 grimlocks
11-12 3d6 kobolds

A group of ld4 + 1 duergar teamsters herd a clutch
~~ 2d6 male steeders (see appendix C). There is a 50
-;>ercent chance that l d4 of the stccders attack nearby
::haracters or bystanders. The ducrgar keep the rest of
the clutch in check. but they clamor for the characters'
~est if even one of the arachnids is killed. A nearby
patrol (see "Duergar Pat rol") hears the teamsters'
aamor and arrives ld6 rounds later.

Wary outsiders visiting Gracklstugh quickly learn the most
mportant details of life in the city.
Unseen Sentries. The duergar power of invisibility plays
a significant role in their society. The potential presence of
unseen spies everywhere enforces honesty among duergar.
Slaves rarely, if ever, talk or act against their masters, never
knowing who might be watching.
A City Divided. Not only is the layout of Gracklstugh
divided, so are its people. Nearly five hundred years
ago, the derro launched a Unit1ng War against the
Deepkingdom, but were swiftly crushed, and the survivors
orought back to Gracklstugh m chains. Though their
status as slaves was eventually set aside, the derro have
a ways been second-class citizens, living in squalor and
scrounging food and resources, even as their leaders on
:ne Council of Savants live 1n secret opulence.
Frugal and Monolithic. The gray dwarves value
effie~ency, sto1cism, and hard work, and these values are
exemplified in their cap1tal. Everything the duergar make
or build has a purpose and function; the only aesthetic
;ney value in architecture 1s 1mposing vastness, and even
tnat IS secondary to a building's structural function. The
only ornamentations found in Gracklstugh are iconic
representations of rank and function within duergar
society, and the only music is the ceaseless rhythmic
,ammering in the forges. The duergar consider art a
71volous pursuit, and only rarely appreciate or create it.

The adult red dragon is out on his regular rounds,
keeping the city's forges aAamc. Themberchaud has
long been keeping his eye out for mercenaries in
the city that could be bent to his service. If he spots
the characters. he might take an interest in them.
Sec ~Themberchaud's Lair" for information on the
\Vyrm~rnilh's motivation~ and possible setups for an
additional encounter with the red dragon.

The characters might encounter one or more of the
following NPCs during their stay in Gracklstugh.

Gorglak Corrupt male duergar on d uty at
the gate where the characters first
arrive in Gracklstugh
Xalith Female drow scout charged with
recapturing the characters for llvara
Errde Blackskull Female duergar captain of the
Stone Guard with a side quest
for the party
Themberchaud The city's Wyrmsmith, an adult
red dragon with a possible mission
for the party
Gartokkar Xundorn Male duergar Keeper of the Flame
with a side quest for the party
VIsa Henstak Female duergar merchant with a
s1de quest for the party
Droki Male derro courier in the employ
of both the Gray Ghosts and the
Council of Savants, and the subject
of d ifferent possible side quests
Werz Saltbaron Male duergar merchant with a
mission for the party
Stonespeaker Hgraam Male stone giant leader with a side
quest for the party
Narrak Male derro savant, junior member
of the Council of Savants and leader
of a cult dedicated to Demogo rgon

The Deepkiogdom is a feudal state with the Deepking
as the absolute monarch. who passes the crown to
descendants or relatives in his Steelshadow clan.
Each clan is led by a laird, who rules over his or her
own holdings and directs t he clan in dedicating its
efforts toward a particular trade or craft. A caste of
priests called thuldar officiate all rituals and record the
Deepkingdom's lore. I lowever. ultimate political and
religious power is held by the Deepking and the lairds.

Deep king Horga r V ascended to the throne in 1372
DR. He is a ruthless and canny ruler who engages in
secret meetings with all the city's councils and clans
to keep their members guessing what he's up to. hands
out favors out of the blue, and lets it be known t hat

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