0-'.RKLAKE DocK s
.rriving at the Dar k lake Docks requires a combination
'<.kill. ingenuity, and luck. Vigilance is a little more
rpJaxed here because the guards at Overtake Hold can
;;pot any obvious threat coming from the waters.
After hours of tense n avigatio n, you glimpse an orange
g1ow in the distance. Soon you hear faint metallic echoes,
growing louder as you come closer.
Firelight illuminates massive columns with structures
ou It around their bases. The cold air of the Underdark is
oecommg warmer even at this distance, and you can now
see a variety of piers made from zurkhwood, stone, and
plam rock jutting out along the edge of a huge cavern.
o\!> the characters draw closer, they can see that the
c: :.tern docks are t he least crowded. If Buppido is w ith
t1 m, he guides them to a natural rock pier on the
~tern edge of the cavern. Otherwise, the characters
·.1st make a successful DC 14 group Dexterity (Stealth)
t"Ck or a DC 15 group Wisdom (Survival) check to
~1de their boat safely and inconspicuously to an empty
k. lf the group check fails. nearby guards notice the
aracters but don't immediately identify them as a
reat. However, you can choose to impose disadvantage
·.any checks the characters make to remain
onspic uo us during their first day in Gracklstugh.
E. en after making it inside the city, the characters must
rt"ad carefully, as the duergar use the slightest pretext
arrest them. Even t rying to haggle with a duergar
.. rchant might inspire a call for the guards to take the
aracters away. Getting caught stealing is punishable
death on the spot, but guards or the offended party
.ght sec some value in enslaving the culprits instead.
, the characters can be shackled and shipped beyond
e Darkla kc Dis trict Resisting arrest is a tr uly bad
ea: every duergar a round is reinforcement.
If the characters get arrested. you can interrupt thei r
.... nsfer with a random encounter or lead them to other
... nned encounters. The '·Rampaging Giant" encoumer
'ttch takes place in the Darklake District) is the most
··I) event to interrupt a prisoner transfer. Alternatively.
aft agent of the Keepers of the Flame can stop the guards
b. iore they take the characters to Overlake Hold (see
·-l-Jemberchaud's Lair'" for information regarding the
· pers' interest in foreign mercenaries).
Possible offers of employment in the Blade Bazaar can
..a be turned into timely rescues for the adventurers.
C•herwise, they end up in Overlake llold, interro~ated by
f rrde Blackskull.
.. bl. Dark lake District gh·es an illusion of openness.
1 _ str('ets are relatively wide to allow for merchant
rts and wagons to pass. and rhe buildings aren't as
~owded around stalagmites as in the southern districts.
penness doesn't mean welcoming, however. The
duergar who ply their trades here are wary of all the
fore igners confined by law to this part of the city.
A wave of heat slams against you as an acrid smog rises
to choke the air out of your lungs. The Darklake spreads
out beyond a jumble of buildings and streets, reflecting
the lights of countless fires burning across the c ity within
hollowed·out columns and stalagmites.
Though the streets are crowded, you move easily
within the surging throng of buyers, merchants, and
slaves. You aren't the only outsiders here, as you spy
drow, svirfneblin, derro, orcs, and other races in the
crowds. The shouting of people blends with the sound of
distant hammering to create a constant, distracting din.
Behind the forbidding walls separating the Darkla ke
District from t he rest of the city stand the docks,
markets, and shops where Gracklstugh's commerce and
trade are conducted. The many duergar merchants-
along with drow, svirfneblin, orcs, and others-pay little
attention to the characters unless they are looking w
do business.
Guards posted at the gates make it clear to the
characters that non-duergar are restricted to the
Dark lake District, and the characters have bcrter luck
asking other outsiders for directions rather than t rying
to engage the duergar locals. They arc directed to the
Blade Bazaar if they wish to sell anything they might
be carrying with them. For gossip and a me<~ I, the
Shattered Spire tavern is recommended, while lodging
for non·duergar can be had at the Ghohlbrorn's Lair inn.
At any point during which the characters move from
point to point in the Darklake District, they can witness
one or more of the following events.
This encounter t riggers possible side quests through
which the characters can learn about the influence of
Demogorgon in Gracklstugh. You can use this event any
time during the party"s stay in the city. Holding it for
later use gives characters a chance to notice the little
things wrong among the duergar, while using it right
away can help characters avoid being enslaved if they
are arrested at any point during their visit.
The rhythmic hammering of the city's forges is drowned
for a second by a thundering roar and the sound of
crumbling rock. Due rga r and visitors alike turn to look as
a two-headed, gray·s kinned giant bursts through a gate ,
howling madly and lashing out left and right, littering
the plaza with rock and stone debns. As he bellows, one
of his swings connects with a duergar soldier, whose
broken body flies through the atr and crashes near you
with a sickening crunch.