Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
activated. Characters using detect magic actively can
,oot the invisible sensor of a ward before it activates.
C therwisc, invisible characters e ncounter a ward every
15 minutes they move through derro territory.

Between a cluster of hovels in West Cleft lies the most
"ell-used entrance to the Whorlstone Tunnels (see
·'.\"horlstone Tunnels"). A narrow fissure in the chasm
all is bidden by scraps of cloth, gray sheets of canvas,
a<Jd moldy boxes. The fissure is tall and wide enough for
\tedium c reature to squeeze through the first 10 feet,
and then continues for 50 feet at an average 5 feet in
atdth, with a gentle downward s lope.
Ever since the foul irruption of the demon lords
-ro the Undcrdark, th e fissure is easie r to find, as it
metimcs leaks wisps of eerie fog created by faerzress.
~hcrwisc, finding it requires careful searching and
successful DC 15 Wis dom (Perception) check. Each
aractcr can mt1ke this check at the end of each hour
e party s pe nds in th e West Cleft warrens looking for
\Vhorlstone Tunnels' e ntrance.
-\ny attempt to question the local:; without an
.,.;ective means of disguise o r manipulation, such
, "nchantment o r illusion magic, is doomed to fail,
, ·he derro are more likely to auack the characters
.-n answe r their questions. Even the n, the derro
often incoherem, and a successful DC 15
ansma (Pers uasion) check is needed to obtain
"' ful information. A s uccessful DC 15 Charisma
:rnidation) check a lso works. but has a 50 percent
a nee of ins piring the derro to flee o r attack.


  • ~Halls of Sacred Spells comprise a temple of
    ,-jnka carved into a stalagmite in Northfurrow
    •nict. Here, the derro Council of Savants meets
    plots, living in luxurious quarters and hiding such
    . ulence from their fellow derro. All areas of the H alls
    -acred Spells e xcept th e central worship c hamber
    -forbidden to derro who aren't savants. Due rgar don't
    ·~r this place, whose main doors are false and car ved
    the rock. The savants ente r and leave using spells
    ~. as dimension door and passwall, while Jesser derro
    c!>S the wors hip c hamber through secret tunnels
    --n the West Clcfr.


ng tunnel opens in Southfurrow Dis trict, e xtending
~ral hundred feet and into the home of the stone
-rs of Clan Cairngorm. The tribe is named after
dncient oath of fealty their ancestors swore to
earers of the Cai rngorm Crown. the traditional
a ia of Deepkingdom monarchs. The giants lead
r le. uncomplicated lives. and their dwellings
·act this.
T.Le stone giants value their privacy, and ducrgar arc
ally not allowed inside Cairngorm Cavern. An
~otion is made for the Decpking. who holds meetings
..,with the giants' leader, Stonespcakc r Hgraam,
"1 necessary.


If the adventure rs helped stop the rampaging giant in
the Dark lake District (and especially if they didn't kill
him). Hgraam is expecting them by the entrance to the
Cairngorm Caverns. Though the stone giant is short oo
pleasantries, he gives the characters what information
he can in response to their questions, including ways to
return to the kdreamlands," as the stone giants call the
surface world. Because he has never left the Underdark,
the paths he knows have come to him only as whispers
through the s to ne. As such, you can easily shape his
advice to your players' plans.
Additionally, Hgraam gives the characters a warning:

"Something evil stirs in the Underdark. The rock itself
cries in pain and horror, and a madness creeps from
t he blackest depths. Pay heed to the signs surrounding
you. A cave with two faces. Rock devoured, and the land
overgrown. The pebble believes itself flesh. The earth
rejects its wards, and the tunnels shake in fury. By these
portents, you shall know of evil's presence and of evil's
face. This is what the stones tell me."

This c ryptic message refers to the demon lords and the
madness their presence is spreading, but Hgraam has
not deciphe red it yet.

As the characters prepare to leave. Hgraam calls for
his apprentice Dorhun, who arrives bearing a polished
c rystal the length of a human forearm. Hgraam offers
the c rystal to the characters as a token of his gratitude,
telling them it might be helpful in the future.
The stonespeaker crystal (see appt:ndix B) resonates
strongly with conjuration and divination magic. If
the characters keep the crystal after escaping the
Underdark, it will be of use if th ey return to deal w ith
t he demonic inc urs ion, as it is linked to the mysterious
libra ry of Grave n hollow and bas additional properties
when used there (see chapte r 11 ).

Themberc haud's Lair

At the far southeast corner of Grackbtugh's cavern,
the entrance to Themberchaud's lair is guarded by the
Keepers of the Flame. Not that anyone would be foolish
enough ro trespass into the Wyrmsmith's home. but ever
since the Gray Ghosts stole a red dragon egg meant to
hatch Themberchaud's successor. the Keepers aren't
taking any chances.
For some time now, the Keepers have been actively
seeking capable mercenaries in Gracklstugh and taking
any oppo rtunity to press th e m into service. If an agent
of the order intervened in the characters· arrest (see
"Getting Captured"). the leader of the Keepers of the
Flame-Gartokkar Xundorn is notified by magical
messaging. He waits for the characters as they are
brought to the dragon's cavern- but Themberchaud is
watching too.

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