Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

arp behind the disturbance, dismissing anything else as
usions, ignorance, or outright lies.
;o his paranoia, Gartokkar wants the characters to
nfirm the Gray Ghosts' involvement and to bring back
v.;;atever powerful magic the thieves used to cause the
-turbance. The Keepers have idemified a Gray Ghost
_em-a derro called Droki. who carries messages and
pplies for the thieves· guild (see ··Droki"' in the ''Blade
3a.zaar"' section). Droki uses the West Cleflto contact
-employers. and Ganokkar wants the party to follow
lfu.s derro and locate the Gray Ghosts.
[!the characters accept his offer, Gartokkar gives
em a holy symbol of Laduguer after an acolyte arrives
:ili gold pins featuring Themberchaud's profile. The

  • "'lbol and the badges grunt characters the right to
    .. ··cl beyond the Oarklukc District, though they a re

    • limited from moving freely in the city (see the
      Lashing Badges·· sidebar). If they refuse, they a re
      cnied over t o the Stone Guards for arrest a nd delivery
      Overtake J lold.


~ Wborlstone Tunnels are a cavern system extending
rtially underneath Gracklstugh, away from the mines
passages the city's inhabitants use regularly. The
~o savants who first found the tunnels didn't reveal
· .r discovery to anyone, and to this day only a handful
og the Council of Savants and the Gray Ghosts
" about them.
The long. gently curving !Unncls have relatively
~ .. ar dimensions. They arc known for their unusual
-formations and abundant patches of fungi. and for
~~suffused with faerzress (sec chapter 2).
There are currently two factions using the tunnels for
r own ends. The Gray Ghosts have an alchemical
ratory and a fungal garden supplying them with

  • ns. and the leaders of the guild conceal a secret
    ,. form of a mysterious black obelisk in the farthest
    ,.. see area 16). The other group is a budding cult of
    -o demon worshipers led by a renegade member of
    Council of Savants. Sensing that the demon lo rds
    -omehow using faerzress to spread chaos and
    .:ness, the demon worshipers have begun conducting
    u..tls to infect Gracklstugh.lnrent on weakening
    ~ity and breaking the power of King Horgar

  • dshadow V, the cultists plan to inflict a curse on
    ::.lODe giants of Clan Cairngorm that causes them to
    second heads. driving them insane.

'Ahorlstone Tunnels are home to two unique
~of faerzress-suffused mushrooms: bigwigs
~ygmyworrs. Any character who studies these
-hrooms can identify their magical effects with
essful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check. an
'J/} spell, or by trial and error. A single nibble of a
~hroom alters a character's size by a few inches for 5
.. tes. so characters foraging for food might discover
mshrooms' magic by accident. The size-altering
•s of eating multiple bigwigs or pygmyworts
, t cumulative, although their durat ions a rc. These

mushrooms Jose their properties if they arc taken
outs1de the Whorlstone Tunnels for I hour or more.

A bigwig is a four· inch-tall mushroom with a thin stem
and a wide purple cap. A creature that eats one can
choose to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw to
not be affected by the mushroom's magic. If the creature
fails or forgoes the saving throw, it grows in size as
though under the enlarge effect of an enlargejreduce
spell. The effect lasts for 1 hour. Ten minutes before
the effect ends. the creature feels a tingling sensation.
at which point it can sustain its current size by eating
another wurple. The effect ends if the creature eats a
pygrnywort mushroom or is magically reduced to its
normal size (using the reduce effect of an cnlargcjrcducc
spell, for example).

A pygmywort is u mushroom with a one-inch-long s te m
and a stubby blue cap with white dots. A creature that
eats one can choose to make a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw to not be affected by the mushroom's
magic. If the crt~ature fails or forgoes the saving th row.
it shrinks in size as though under the reduce effect
of an enlarge/ reduce spell. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
Ten minutes before the effect ends. the creature feels
a tingling sensation. at which point it can sustain its
current size by eating another pygmywon. The effect
ends if the creature eats a bigwig mushroom or is
magically enlarged to its normal size (using the enlarge
effect of an enlaq}ejreduce spell, for example).

As the characters explore the Whorl stone Tunnels, they
can run into various creatures or hazards. Check for an
encounter whenever the characters arc moving along a
stretch of tunnel or at the end of a long rest. Roll a d2 0
and consult the Whorlstone Tunnels Encounters ta ble to
determine what, if anything, they encounte r.

d20 Encounter
1- 10 No encounter
11-12 l carrion crawler
13 Demon pack
14 1 tlumph
15 l gray ooze
16 ld4 moldy quaggoth spore se rvants
17 1d4 two·headed grimlocks
18 1 s wa rm ofinsects (centipedes)
19 1 xorn
20 Yellow mold

There's a 50 percent chance that the carrion crawler
is feasting on the putrid flesh of a dead grim lock and
ignores the party unless disturbed. Otherwise, it is
scouring tunnels for food and attacks the party on sight.
ll prefers to attack while clinging to the ceiling.

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