This pack consists of a quasit leading l d4 + 2 dretches.
The quasitturns invisible and tries to escape when only
two dretches remain: if it succeeds. the cultists in area
14 are alerted. Replace any subst>quent demon pack
random encounter with ld4 d erro (see appendix C).
This creature telepathic:~lly asks the characters to rid
the cave complex of 1 he dcrro cultists (see area 14)
because it knows what they're trying to do and wants to
stop them. If the character~ agree and seem friendly, the
Humph offers to accompany them indefinitely. It will not
willi ngly leave thl' Underdark, however.
There's a 50 percent c-hance that this ooze has psionic
a bilities (use the psychic variant of the gray ooze, as
described in the: Monster Manual).
A patch of yellow mold (see .. Dungeon Hazards'' in
c hapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide) covers each
spore servant. Each time a spore servant is touched or
takes damage, it releases a cloud of yellow mold spores
until the mold patch is destroyed.
T he grimlocks living in the Whorlstone Tunnels keep
to themselves, fet>ding on fungi and vermin. The derro
have tried to enslave them, without much success. In
a weird example of detente, members of the two races
have learned to avoid one another. Each grim lock has
sprouted a screaming second head. which has no effect
on its statistics.
The following features are prevalent throughout t he
Whorlstone Tunnels.
Ceilings and Floors. The average ceiling height is 50 feet,
dropping to 25 feet 1n narrow tunnels.
Narrow Tunnels. The narrowest tunnels are barely 2
feet wide at their widest points. A Tiny creature can move
through these tunnels unimpeded. while a Small creature
must squeeze to pass through them. Medium and large r
creatures can't fit through these narrow passageways.
Faerzress. The Whorlstone Tunnels are suffused with
Jaerzress (see "Faerzress" 1n chapter 2 for effects). Faerzress
has also altered the phys1cal appearance of the complex,
creating spiral patterns on the walls and ceilings. These
spirals are what give the complex its name. Because of
these weird spiraling patterns, saving throws to resist
faerzress·induced madness are made with disadvantage.
Foul Water. Water from the Darklake drips from
stalactites and trickles through cracks in the walls ,
forming narrow streams and shallow pools throughout
the Whorls tone Tunnels. Any creature that drinks the foul
water must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
or become poisoned. The poisoned creature can repeat t he
saving throw at the end of each hour to end the effect.
Edible Fungi. Edible fungi (including pygmywort
and bigwig) are abundant in the Whorl stone Tunnels.
Characters can attempt DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) checks
to forage here.
This creature has been working its way through the
rock of the Whorlston<' Tunnels. consuming vast
amounts of faerzrcss-infused stone. The change in the
faerzress brought on b} the arrival of the demon lords
has left the xorn confused and easily angered. It tries to
bargain for metal or gt•ms to eat. and attacks if refused.
If the adventurer!> feed the xorn and can communicate
with it, the creature can tell !hem that it sensed a great
planar upheaval recently, though it knows nothing about
the demons or their spreading madness.
The characrcrs notice a patch of yellow mold (see
'' Dungeon Hazards" in chapter 5 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide) growing on something of interest
determined by rolling a d4 and consulting the Beneath
the Yellow Mold table. Tampering with the mold·
encrusted object causing the yellow mold to release its
deadly spores.
d4 Encounter
A humanoid skeleton wearing a ring of water walking
on one bony finger (no nng is found on subsequent
occurrences of t his encounter)
2 A closed zurkhwood chest containing ld6 x 100 gp
and 1d6 50 gp gems
3 A humano1d skeleton m tattered leather armor
carrying a rusted shortsword and one of the
followmg. a rotted qu1ver holding 1d20 +1 arrows, a
leather pouch containing 1d10 +2 sling stones, or a
zurkhwood case containing ld4 +3 crossbow bolts
4 A +l shield (on subsequent occurrences of this
encounter, the shield is rusted and nonmagical)
If the characters arc on a quest to find Droki. read t he
following boxed tex1 when his path crosses with theirs.
The dirty derro is easy to recognize: a pale face under
a Aoppy hat fitted w1th two tentacle-like things tha t
bob up and down in time with his brisk pace. He keep s
muttering a repetitive series of phrases to himself at
different volumes, failing to notice you. "Droki is late!
They will be so angry' Stupid, stupid, stupid! Delays,
blocks, procrastination, obstructions. pfah! No time, no
rhyme, not mine! No' Time'"
Droki (sec appendix C) has errands to perform. The
characrers can shadow him or chase him down. but both
the Darklake District and the derro territories provide
him with abundant places 10 hide and paths down which
he C<ln lose pursuers, and he knows them all. Inside the
Whorlstone Tunnels, however. the dcrro is distracted by
ever-present threats, giving the party the best chance
to catch him. The characters can fight Droki by the