:bis tunnel juncture is blocked by a thicket of fungi.
: he thicket is an ecosystem unto itself, with its own
challenges for those who wish to cross it.
~dense fungi forest blocks your way, its tallest
specimens growing some five feet high. Even as you
assess the best way to pass through it, a hissing sound
starts to rise-like uncounted tiny voices whispering in
:ongues you don' t understand.
~ough creepy, the hissing sound is harmless, caused
a ir whistling through perforated mushrooms in the
.,·cke t o f fungi. The characters can cross this area by
')fcing their way through it , or by eating pygmy wort
mushrooms tlrst to move through without disturbing the
·"!er fungi present. If the characters are chasing Droki,
us es the thicket to his advantage, eating a pygmywort
sneak his way across. At reduced size, he leaves no
C"a11 that normal-sized pursuers can follow.
Tiny creatures can move through the thicket at no
.. nalty. For Small and Medium creatures, the thicket
~difficult terrain. While in the thicket, Tiny and Small
.-eatures have half cover against Medium creatures
'ld can hide.
~reaturcs can negate the movemem penalty by
--,rroying the fungi before crossing the thicket. Each
.; ;om-square area of fungi has AC 10 and 10 hit points.
_ artack that deals fire damage has a 50 percent
~ce of igniting a torchstalk mushroom (see "Fungi of
~ Lnderda rk'' in chapter 2).
:-he first time a Small or larger character reaches the
::..:mel intersection, two swarms of insects (centipedes)
emerge from nests under the thicket and attack. Two
..-~re swarms of insects (spiders) arrive on the second
..nd of combat, plus another swarm of insects
~mipedes) on th e third round.
,e abundance of fungi in the thicket makes it easy
~orage here. Among the common, inedible fungi are
e fo llowing edible and exotic fungi, most of which are
scribed in chapter 2:
- :d 6 barrclstalks
- Jd6 bluecaps
- :d6 patches of fire lichen
- • d6 nightlights
- :d6 N ilhogg's noses
- .d6 sheets of ripplebark
- • d6 tim masks
- ld6 rorchstalks
- ld6 tongues of madness
- id6 trillimacs
- :d6 bigwigs (see "Faerzress-Suffused Fungi")
- .:J6 pygmyworts (sec "Faerzress-Suffused Fungi")
A myconid with Zuggtmoy's gift can, as an action once
per day, release a 20-foot-radius cloud of demon-tainted
spores. Any other creature within the area that isn't already
"blessed" with Zuggtmoy's gift must make a Constitution
saving throw, with a save DC of8 +the myconid's
Constitution modifier + the myconid's proficiency bonus.
A creature that forgoes or fails the saving throw becomes
infected. While infected with Zuggtmoy's gift, the creature
gains the ability to cast a special version of the tree
stride spell that has no components. This spell allows
the infected creature to move through patches of mold
and fungi instead of trees. Once it casts this spell, the
infected creature can't cast the spell again until it finishes
a long rest.
Any creature infected with Zuggtmoy's gift has
disadvantage on attack rolls against plant creatures.
In addition, whenever an infected creature finishes a
short or long rest, it must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature lapses into a state of
euphoric bliss. While in this state, the creature can't take
actions, bonus actions, or react ions, and must use all of
its movement to dance and twirl about. At the end of its
turn, the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the
euphoric bliss effect on a success.
A remove cwse or greater restoration spell rids a creature
of Zuggtmoy's gift.