This cham her was sculpted by faerzress with the side
effect of trapping sound.
The glow offaerzress sh1fts across th1s chamber as if
pushed by an unseen wmd. It flows toward and around
a large mesa and contmues to sp1ral upward, but the
ceiling of the cavern is too dark and high to see. You hear
murmurs and wh1spers commg from atop the mesa,
which grow louder as you approach. Its stacked levels
resemble steps in a st;urcase, but a ramp running from
top to bottom provides an easy way up.
Climbin~ the mesa reveals that its steps aren't
concentric circles but the bands of a spiral, rising from
the cavern floor to the mesa's top.
The west wall has a noticeable crack leading to a
narrow tunnel, which can be used as a shortcut to area
7 if the c:haractcrs arc small enough to fit through it (see
the "Whorls10ne Tunnels: General Features'' sidebar).
Droki uses this narrow tunnel on his travels.
Characters at the top of the mesa hear the murmur
of the chamber more clearly, and can recognize it
as disparate sounds. They hear the rhythmic clank
and roar of Gracklstugh's forges, the low rumble of
Themberchaud's displeasure. the mad screaming of
derro, and even hints and snatches of conversations.
The fnerzrcss in this place echoes the sounds produced
in Gracklstugh above. creating a storm of noise.
A character can use an action to focus on specific
sounds but must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw,
taking 7 (2d6) p~yrhic damage on a failed save. or half
as much damage on a successful one. A character who
fails the saving throw by 5 or more gains one level of
madness (see ''Madness" in chapter 2) as his or her
mind is overwhdmed hy what is heard.
A character who exceeds the saving throw DC by 5 or
more can ask one question about Gracklstugh that can
be answered by overhearing any sound or conversation
occurring within the previous tcnday in the city above or
in the Whorlstone Tunnels. This can include discovering
Droki's current location by following his insane
A character can focus on the sound in the chamber a
number of times equal to his or her Wisdom modifier
(minimum J). After that. the character no longer has the
ability to tell sounds apart.
This small network of tiny grottos leads into one
of the dens oft he Gray Ghosts, but it is the current
residence of a warped creature called the Spider King.
The characters must travel through narrow tunnels to
reach this area (sec the ''Whorlstone Tunnels: General
Features" sidebar).
The glow of faerzress m these tunnels reveals sticky white
strands clmging to the walls. The strands become more
dense as you move farther in.
The northeastern cave is the lair of the Spider King- a
two-headed giant spider warped by demonic influences
into a vaguely humanoid shape. This horrific creature
uses the giant spider stat block with the following
- The Spider King has 44 hit points, a passive Wisdom
(Perception) score of 14. a Wisdom (Perception) mod-
ifier of +4, and the following saving throw bonuses:
Constitution ~ 3. Wisdom +2.
Because of its two heads. the Spider King has advan-
tage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving
throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened.
frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious.
The Spider King s~>nses when intruders enter its
domain and can't be surprised by them. Along with
two normal giant spider s {its attendants). the Spider
King waits in ambush. It moves to the entrance of its
chamber in an attempt to keep the characters bottled
up, while the two giant spiders approach along the walls
and ceiling. getting into position above creatures on the
floor. The Spider King and the giant spiders fight to the
death. but they don't follow prey that flees.
Sounds of combat here alert the duergar in area 7.