Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

:-he Gray Ghosts use this chamber to grow a variety of
f ngi for use in alchemical experiments.
Double doors blocks the western tunnel. The doors
...rt. made of thick zurkhwood and reinforced with
rudely forged steel. The sturdy lock can be opened
rh a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves'
-:>Is. A successful DC 20 Strength check will break the
ors down.

~he smell of rot is strong in this room, coming from a
•rge depression at the center, where dozens of fungi of
..,any species grow. A barreJ.shaped copper tank sits at
·he edge of the pit. Attached to the tank •s a tall copper
::llpe that arcs over the pit. Crates line one wall.

llree duergar work here. They are members of
~ Gray Ghosts who have been assigned gardening
:.11). They attack as soon as they see intruders. lf the
aracters arrive through the crack in the east wall (see
t.mgi Pit"). they can hide among the fungi and try to
' h the duergar by surprise. If the characters make
t of noise in area 6 or force their way through the
rs to the west, the duergar turn invisible and attack
, ... oon as the characters arrive.
.\tthe start of combat, two duergar usc their Enlarge
100 while the third opens the valve on the copper
"lk and aims its nozzle at the characters. During the
ond round of combat on the same initiative count as
,. ducrgar, the duergar alch emist from area 8 joins
fight. Tf the other duergar fall. the alchemist turns
tsible and tries to escape.

ft !'GI PIT
#> pit is 5 feet deep and filled with various kinds
ungi. It is difficult terrain for Small and Medium
atures, and Tiny creatures have half cover while
~~d the fungi.
.:. crack in the east wall forms the mouth of a narrow
.nel that leads from the floor of the pit to area 6; see
.. ·Whorlstone Tunnels: General Features" sidebar for
re information on narrow tunnels.
Ihe abundance of fungi in the thicket makes it easy
f.~rage here. Among the common. inedible fungi are
following edible and exotic fungi. most of which arc
-..-ribed in chapter 2:

  • 1J6 barrelstalks

  • .ld6 bluecaps

  • U6 Nilhogg's noses

  • .d6 sheets of ripplebark

  • d6 timmasks

  • a6 torchstalks

  • ?d6 trillimacs

  • _ 6 bigwigs (sec -Faerzress·Suffused Fungi")

  • _ 6 pygmyworts (sec -Faerzress-Suffused Fungi-)
    character proficient and cquippt'd with a poisoner's
    an also collect ld6 doses of assassin's blood poison
    the fungi pit (see '·Poisons'' in chapter 8 of the
    4eon Master's Guide).

, \

The copper tank is a sprinkler used by the duergar
to fertilize the fungi in the pit. The copper pipe that
extends from the tank is lO feet long and can be turned
so that its nozzle points in any direction. The nozzle is
pointed toward the pit by default.
Any creature can use an action to open or close a
valve on the to:tnk, releasing a cloud of pungent fertilizer
that fil ls <1 30-foot cube. The cloud grows 10 feet per side
each round the valve remains open. The cloud has the
sa me effect as a stinking cloud spell (save DC 12 ), but
the effC'ct ends ld4 + 1 rounds after the valve is closed or
the tank runs out of fertilizer. The tank contains enough
fertilizer to spray for 10 rounds.
As an action or a bonus action, a creature can turn the
pipe 90 degrees in any direction.
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