.. t'~t>nting Gorglak's letter to Captain Errde Blackskull
rns each character 50 XP for retrieving evidence of
•ruption within the ranks of the Stone Guard.
t- ul water from the Darklakc spills into this cave.
rm1ng a pool. See the "Whorlstonc Tunnels: General
Features" sidebar for the effects of drinking foul water.
Th · <·eiling in this cave is 80 feet high.
The chamber splits into two paths surrounding a large
pool. filled by water trickling from stalactites along the
ce•hng The western path forms a ramp above the pool's
surface, while the eastern path runs level with the water
nd continues into a tunnel opening. The water turns
darker toward the center of the pool, where it transforms
--om a gentle swirl into a churning vortex.
.,\water weird bound to the pool years has been
ruptcd by the demonic influence infecting these
1 nels. turning it evil and giving it a dark hunger.
he westt>rn path slopes upward to a maximum height
0 feet above the pool's surface. If the characters take
upper path, the water weird attacks them when
\ ar<" 30 feet above the surface of the pool, as it was
~nd here to protect the path leading to area 16. The
tcr weird can command the pool's water to erupt
a geyser, effectively lifting the water weird up to
e haracters' level and putting them within its reach.
,\n} character the water weird successfully grapples
dropped in the pool, taking no damage from the fall.
c pool is 30 feet deep in the middle and 5 feet deep
r the shore.
I the characters follow Droki into this chamber. they
h1m sneaking carefully along the eastern path.
Th ~ ran attempt to follow him with a group Dexterity
~lth) check contested by the water weird's passive
\ -.dom (Perception) score. If more than half the
racters fail the check, the water weird notices them
d auacks. Tf the characters are attacked by the water
1 rd while following Droki. the wily derro realizes he's
n~ shadowed and makes a run for it.
The in.,ane derro cullists have been buying cave bears
from Cnderdark hunters and smuggling them through
Gracklstugh. For what purpose is anyone's guess.
A large gate made of iron bars blocks the northwest
entrance and is usually locked. Orw of the derro
cultists carries the key. The lock cau be opened with a
successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools.
A creature with a Strength of20 or higher can force the
gate open with a successful DC 25 Strength check.
The first thing you notice as you enter the room IS a
heavy, unpleasant musk in the a1r, coming from cages
assembled from scrap iron on both sides of the chamber.
A spiral path circles into the center of the room, marked
off by small stone pylons.
Two derro stand by a large cauldron in front of a tent
near the cave's center. Both are talking while apparently
ignoring each other. In the cages, three hulking brown
bears appear to be resting.
The two de r ro (see appendix C) are cultists. One of
them is complaining about ~the master" while the
other talks about something he once fished out of
the Darklake.
The three cave bears (usc the polar bear statistics)
are alert, despite appearances to the contrary.
Characters hoping to sneak past them must succeed
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks contcslt:d by the bears'
passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 13. On their first
turn. the cultists move to free the bears. Each cage is
closed with a simple bolt that can be unlatched with an
action. Once the first two bears are set free. the third
bear breaks out of its cage on its own.
A crack in the south wall leads to a narrow tunnel that
wends toward area 12. Medium and larger creatures
are too big to fit th rough this narrow tunnel (see the
''Whorlstonc Tun nels : General Features" sidebar).
This path helps to channel the ritual magic the cultists
use to tame the cave bears. Though the ritual is
currently inactive. the area radiates a faint aura of
enchantment under the scrutiny of a detect magic spell.
inside the tent are two flea-ridden bedrolls. a zurkhwood
bucket containing edible fungi (the equivalent of two
days of rations), and a wineskin full of Darklake Stout.
Some of the cult's more powerful derro savants keep
quasits as familiars. and the wee demons discovered
this tunnel network. They use the tunnels as shortcuts
to deliver messages across the areas of the Whorl stone
Tunnels controlled by the cultists. or simply to hide from
their duties. Shrinking down allows the characters to
more easily navigate Litis area.
C H ,\ p·r I;!R ~ I G RACI< I STIJGH