Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

The Hold of the Deepking stands south of Laduguer's
Furrow and north ofThemberchaud's lair. When the
characters first lay eyes on it, read the following boxed
text aloud to the players.

The Hold of the Deepking is a dark and foreboding
edifice lodged between two great columns that rise
up into thick clouds of smoke that conceal the cavern
ceiling. Giant basalt braziers filled with molten lava bathe
the palace facade in a hellish glow. and the thick stone
walls bristle with iron turrets and battlements.

There appears to be no one guarding the palace, but
this is an illusion. All of the palace guards are invisible,
and characters who observe the palace for some time
can hear ducrgar guards in heavy armor marching
to and fro.
Two hundred invisible duergar Stone Guards (see
appendix C) protect the palace and its king. Fifty stand
at altention in perfect rows before the palace. ready
to cut down anyone who approaches the palace gates
unescortcd. Another fifty watch from the turrets and
battlements. One hundred more stand guard in the
palace and comprise the Deepking's honor guard.


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Characters who befriend Stonespeakcr Hgraam or
complete quests for Errde Blackskull or Gartokkar
Xundorn can use their newfound influence to gain an
audience with the Deeplting. Characters escorted to the
palace by llgraam. Errde. or Gartokkar arc admined
inside and led past rows of invisible duergar guards w
the Decpking's throne room.

Lava pours down troughs cut into the black basalt walls
of this vast hall. The heat is oppressive, and the air reeks
of sulfur. Thick black columns support the heavy ceiling,
and at the far end of the hall stands an iron throne atop
a polished obsidian dais. A crowned duergar encased
in armor sits on the throne. Next to him stands a royal
consort wearing a gown made of gold coins.

An invisible wall of force stands between the Deepking's
dais and the characters. Whether the Deepking is of a
mind to fight the demon lords is up to you. a lthough like
many other duergar in the city, Horgar Steelshadow V
has been touched by the demon lords' madness. Roll
on the Indefinite Madness table in chapter 8 of the
Dungeon Master's Guide to determine Horgar·s flaw.
If the characters attack the Deepking. use the knight
statistics in the Monster Manual to represent him, with
the following modifications:

  • Horgar is lawful evil.
    He speaks Draconic, Giant, and Dwarvish.
    He has AC 20 and wears dwarven place.
    He has advantage on saving throws against poi-
    son, spells. and illusions. as well as to resist being
    charmed or paralyzed.

  • While in sunlight, he has disadvantage on artack
    rolls. as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
    rely on sight.

  • He has the Enlarge and Invisibility action options of a
    duergar (sec the Monster Manual).

  • He wearsg<wntlcts of ogre power, giving him a
    Strength score of 19 (+4).

  • He wields a +2 warhammer instead of a greatsword:
    +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (ld8 + 6)
    bludgeoning damage, or 11 (ldlO + 6) bludgeoning
    damage if used with two hands. While Horgar is
    enlargerl, the damage increases to IS (2d8 -r 6) or 17
    (2dl0 + 6) bludgeoning damage. respectively.
    The Deepking's royal consort is a succubus in the
    guise of Shal, a female duergar. The succubus is a loyal
    servant of tht" demon lord Graz'zt (see appendix D).
    Her only task is to make sure no one tries to rid Horgar
    of his madness. The gown she wears was a gift from
    Horgar. It weighs 75 pounds and is worth 750 gp.

If the characters expose the succubus as a fiendish spy
and help restore Horgar's sanity. the Deepking becomes
friendly toward them and tries to set them against the
drow. whom he blames for the spreading madness.
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