Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

their way to or from Blingdenstone, Gracklstugh, or
If the adventurers ask the sovereigns about any drow
m the area, Basidia tells them about a drow patrol
that just recently arrived. However, Phylo immediately
Interrupts, telling the characters that the drow were -
here a few days ago, but left shortly after Phylo showed
them the Garden of Welcome. A successful DC 12
Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Basidia seems
puzzled by Phylo's answer. If pressed, Basidia simply
says it didn't know the drow had already left.
Quest: Into the Garden. Basidia offers to give the
party a guided tour of all the circles in areas 1 through
I where it introduces them to the respective circle
leaders, pointing out which leaders support it. and
which ones support Sovereign Phylo. Basidia uses this
time away from Phylo to express its fear that Phylo
has contracted some sort of ''diseased spore:· Basidia
•hinks that a clue to the spore's nature might be found
n the Garden of Welcome. Basidia asks the characters
•o investigate the garden, fearing to do so itself in case
.t also falls victim to Phylo's disease.
As a sign of friendship, Basidia gives the characters
:1 moldy scroll case containing a scroll of protection
.J~ainst fiends. Basidia promises an additional reward
::.ee "Treasure'') if the characters investigate the

Garden of Welcome on its behalf. Basidia can also
brew potions out of the different molds and fungi in the
grove, storing them in hollow gourd-like mushrooms.
Basidia can craft a common or uncommon potion in
eight hours, or a rare potion in two days.

Tf the characters complete Basidia's quest, the myconid
sovereign digs up a small box buried in the earth and
gives it to them. The box contains curiosities Basidia
has collected from dead travelers over the years. The
box is unlocked. mad~ of fine wood inlaid with silver.
and worth 25 gp by itself. It contains three amethysts
(100 gp eac h), four s mall diamonds ( 50 gp each). and
one large diamond ( 500 gp).
If the characters kill the grick alpha. the umber bulk.
or the s hambling mound in the Fungal Wilds and bring
the carcasses to Basidia. the sovereign rewards each
character with a potion of greater healing stored in a
hollow gourd-like mushroom.

This circle mound is devoted to sporing new myconids.
Freshly spored myconids are only a few inches tall
and have no awareness. but they grow quickly into
myconid sprouts.

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