Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


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Bliogdenstone, once called the City of Speaking Stones,
is a deep gnorm: settlement founded more than two
:nillennia ago. The deep gnomes, insular and secretive
by nature, care little about histories and legacies, and
thus most of the ruined city's past is lost to time.
For centuries, Blingdenstonc remained hidden and
olated from the rest of the Underdark, thanks to a
ombinalion of misdirection and magic. It wasn't until
·hey provided shelter to a drow exile named Drizzt
Do'Urden that the deep gnomes began to take a more

  • ·tive interest in the world outside their caverns.
    Perceiving the threat the drow represented to all the
    .eoples of the Underdark, the deep gnomes abandoned
    heir isolation when they came to the defense of the
    warves of Mithral Hall. defeating an invading drow
    ·~rce from Menzoberranzan.
    This alliance, howevt"r, would spell Blingdenstone's
    joom. The vengeful drow bided their time, rebuilt their
    "rces. and sent their armies out to strike back hard
    -~ainst the svirfneblin, returning in great force to lay
    ,1ege to Blingdenstone. The deep gnomes were no
    ":latch for the drow army. Thousands of svirfneblin we re

slaughtered, and those s urvivors who didn't escape to
Mithral Hall or the surface world were dragged back in
chains to Menzoberranzan as s laves.
Within the past decade or so, the deep gnomes have
returned to reclaim, resettle, and rebuild their city. The
ultimate success of their efforts, however, hangs by a
slender thread. Most of the ruined city is a dangerous
place and remains closed off, with tunnels and
chambers barricaded with gates or deliberately caused
cave-ins. The svirfneblin must contend with incursions
by wererat squatters. insane elemenrals. ghosts, and
a plague of invading oozes controlled by the Pudding
King - a mad deep gnome under the influence of the
demon lordjuiblex. Before they can offer the party any
help, the deep gnomes likely need some themselves.

Blingdenstone is an obvious destination for characters
seeking refuge from their drow pursuers and a way out
of th~ Underdark. The deep gnomes continue to have
regular dealings with the surface world.

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