Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


Among the party's fellow escapees. the deep
gnomejimjar is the most enthusiastic about visiting
Blingdenstone, and he can lead the adventurers
there. Topsy and Turvy also know the way, but they
are noticeably less willing to go 10 the settlement
because of the fear and shame they feel regarding their
lycanthropic affliction. The shield dwarf scout Eldeth
Feldrun isn't sure how to reach the gnome setLiemcnt,
but is in favor of going there if it offers a route ro the
surface or to Gauntlgrym. lf the characters allow
Glabbagool (the sentient gelatinous cube from .. The
Oozing Temple'· in chapter 2) ro accompany them. it
feels a certain pull tOward Blingdenstone, and is c urious
enough to guide the characters th ere.

The svirfneblin settlement is a haven for the characters.
For good reason. the deep gnomes rarely allow drow
into Blingdensrone, and only then with a heavily
armed escort. A drow character must succeed on a
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to enter escorted.
However, if any deep gnomes are traveling with the
party, having them vouch for the drow allows the escort
to be waived at your discretion.
The party's drow pursuers won't attempt ro follow the
characters into Bl ingdenstone. The party's pursuit level
(see "Drow Pursuit" in chapter 2) doesn't change while
they are in the svirfneblin settlement.
If the party's pursuit level is 3 or higher when they
arrive at Blingdenstone. flvara and her party are
watching the tunnels leaving the settlement. The
pursuit level increases to 5 when the characters leave
Blingdenstone, possibly leading to a chase or straight
into chapter 7, .. Escape From the Underdark."

Bl ingdenstone has a reputation for being a dangerous
ruin inhabited only by monsters and other undesirables.
Others think of it as a budding settlement well on i1s
way to recovery. Once the characters reach the gates,
they can see that the truth lies somewhere in between.

Deep gnomes are a dour lot, reserved and careful in their
dealings with outsiders. They make the assumption that
every non-svirfneblin means to do them harm-which
is understandable given their history. They speak softly
in caves and tunnels where sound carries, eyes darting
furtively, looking for signs of danger.
Despite their harsh outlook, svirfneblin are still gnomes,
and many are as benevolent and joyful as their surface
cousins. They reveal these aspects most easily among their
own kind, and to those they come to trust.
The svirfneblin assign defined roles to each gender but
hold females and males in equal standing. It is ancient
custom for there to be both a king and a queen with equal
responsibilities. Svirfneblin males are hunters, explorers,
laborers, and warriors, while females are managers,
judges, politicians, and caretakers. Deep gnomes
sometimes forget this is not the case with other races, and
that males are capable of careful thought just as much as
females can fight.


The characters must prove their goodwill to the
deep gnomes before they arc allowed inside. Once the
characters w in the gnomes' t ru st, they are welcomed
imo Inner Blingdenstone, and to what food and comfort
the locals can readily provide.

The general attitude of deep gnomes toward strangers is
hostile-not necessarily opposed, but deeply suspicious.
This attitude can be shifted to indifferent and then
friendly as the characters help the svirfneblin openly
(see "Social Interaction" in chapter 8 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide).
Some deeds in Blingden~tone reward the characters
with an automatic attitude shift, while others require a
DC 15 group Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the group
check succeeds, the attitude of the svirfneblin shifts by
one. If characters are rude or act in a way to make the
deep gnomes more suspicious toward them, they must
also make another group check. If this group check fails,
the deep gnomes' attitude worsens by one.

Once per day while the characters are exploring the
deep gnome settlement, roll a d20 and consult the
Blingdenstone Encounters table to determine what, if
anything, they encounter.

d20 Encounter
1- 10 No encounter
11 ld4 + 1 animated drow statues
12 1d4 + 2 cave badgers
13 Dungeon hazard
14 Ele m e nt al vagabonds
15 1 d 4 + 2 fiendish giant s piders
16 1 ghost
17 Mephit gang
18 Roaming ooze
19 ld4 + l svirfneblin were rats
20 l xorn

Once part of a expedition from Menzoberranzan, these
drow were petrified by a medusa and later animated
by Ogrcmoch's Bane (see "Settlers, Squatters, and
Invade rs" later in this chapter). They have the staListics
of animated armor. except they are clcmentals instead
of constructs.

The svirfneblin use these beasts as part of their digging
workforce. Cave badgers are giant badgers with AC 12
(natural a r mor), tremorsense out to a range of 60 feet,
and a burrowing speed of 15 feet. When they burrow,
they leave tunnels behind them.

The characters approach a section of Blingdenstone
in horrible disrepair. If they explore the area, roll a d6
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