and consult the Dungeon Hazards table to determine
what the characters encounter. See "Dungeon Hazards''
in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for more
information on each hazard.
d6 Hazard
1-3 Patch of brown mold
4-5 Patch of green slime
6 Patch of yellow mold
:\dust m ephit guides an earth elemental through the
caverns and passages of Blingdenstone. If approached
peacefully, they can point the way to Entemoch's Boon
see "BiingdenstOne Outskirts'' later in this chapter).
Former servants of the drow, these spiders burn with
baleful energy. Treat them as giant wolf spiders with a
challenge rating of 1/2 (100 XP), resistance to cold. fire,
and lightning damage, and immunity to poison damage.
They arc also immune to the poisoned condition.
Some of the svirfneblin who perished during the drow
.nvasion didn't go easily. and their ghosts linger. When
Lhe characters encounter one of these ghosts, roll a d20
and consult the Ghost's Attitude table to determine the
attitude of the ghost.
d20 Attitude
1-6 Indifferent and unaware ofthe characters until it is
attacked by them
7-12 Indifferent but aware of the characters
13- 17 Friendly
18-20 Hostile
~ mephit gang consists of ld4 dust mephits and ld4
mud mephits. If encountered in Inner Blingdenstone
-.r Rockblight, they are insane and attack immediately.
.Jtherwise. they mock the party but don't fight except in
The presence of the Pudding King (see "The Pudding
Court" later in this chapter) is drawing oozes to
Blingdenstone. Roll a d4 and consult the Roaming Ooze
able to determine what appears.
d4 Encounter
1 1 black pudding
2 1 gelatinous cube
3 1d4 + 1 gray oozes, one of which is a psychic gray
ooze variant (as described in the Monster Manual)
4 1d2 ochre jellies
These wererats belong to Clan Goldwhisker and are
searching for new places to settle within the ruins
of rhe former city. They're always hostile and attack
the party if they can't flee. Use the wererat stat block
in rhe Monster Manual with a few modifications:
svirfneblin wcrcrats a re Small and have rhe following
addition a I features.
Gnome Cunning. The wererat has advantage on Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
Innate Spellcasting. The wererat' s innate spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following
spells, requiring no material components:
At will: nondetection (self only)
1fday each: blindnessfdeafness, blur, disguise self
Stone Camouflage. The wererat has advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain.
This creature leaves the characters alone if t hey feed
ir as least 50 gp worth of gems or precious metals.
Otherwise, it follows them around Blingdenstone,
hoping that they leave behind something it can eat. The
xorn is antisocial and doesn't help the party in any way.
When the characters visit Blingdcnstonc, they can meet
one or more of the following svirfneblin.
Dorbo Diggermattock
Senni Diggermattock
Nomi Pathshutter
Gurnik Tapfinger
Kazook Pickshine
Leader of the mining expeditions
Leader of the settlers
Earth elemental wrangler with a task
for the party
Priest of Callarduran Smooth hands
with a task for the party
Alchemist and ore specialist who
receiv,es and gives quests
Chipgrin Goldwhisker Leader of the were rat colony
Burrow Warden )adger Undead leader of the
burrow wardens
The Pudding King Insane deep gnome enthralled by
the demon lord )uiblex
If they are with the party, Topsy and Turvy do their best
to conceal and resist their lycanthropic curse if the
adventurers have not already learned of it. In the time
since they were imprisoned in Velkynvelve, the two have
likely undergone their wererat transformation at least
once. When the decision is made to go to Blingdenstone,
the twins might come clean albout leaving home because
of their curse, or they could abandon the adventurers and
strike out on their own. In any event, they might fall in with
the Goldwhisker clan of were rats, either on their own or
with the adventurers' help.