Skill Sharpeners Spell Write Grade K-4536e

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Each of the 12 units is based
on a short vowel word family
and includes:

  • a short-vowel story,

  • a spelling list,

  • spelling activities,

  • gr ammar exercises,

  • writing skills, and

  • test practice.

8 activity
pages provide
spelling and
writing practice.

Each unit
ends with an
with questions
presented in
standardized test

Engaging and Easy to Use

Skills:Auditory Discrimination
Practicing the in Family

©2005 by Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 4536 • Spell & Write^ UNIT 3^27

It Rhymes with in
Write in to spell each word.

p^ sp^

f^ t^ can

w^ tw^

©2005 by Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 4536 • Spell & Write UNIT 3

Using Picture CluesSkills:
Completing Sentences

Note: Explain to your child that a sentence must havother part tells what he or she did. e two parts—one part tells who is doing something, and the
A sentence is a group of words that tell a complete idea.Make a Sentence
The fi rst part of a sentence tells tells what. who, the second part
WhatWho: can jump: Ben
Ben can jump.
Draw a line to make a sentence.
Ben did win.

Sam can jump.

Kim can pin it.
Ann runs fast.

My Spelling Testt

Pin It
Find the correct answer.Fill in the circle.

32 ASSESSMENT 3 Spell & Write • EMC 4536 • ©2005 by Evan-Moor Corp.

Note: Read the questions for your child. Then say each word spelling test. (in, pin, win) for your child to write on the

  1. Which word is spelled correctly?
    ❍ ❍ wenwin

  2. Which word rhymes with ❍ pan in?
    ❍ pin

  3. Which is a sentence?❍ he did.
    ❍ He did win.

  4. Which is a sentence?❍ Sam can jump.
    ❍ Can jump.

Writing:        Jo  Ellen   Moore EMC 4536
Content Editing: Lisa Vitarisi Mathews
Copy Editing: Cathy Harber
Laurie Westrich
Art Direction: Cheryl Puckett
Cover Design: Liliana Potigian
Illustration: Ann Iosa
Design/Production: Cheryl Puckett
Kathy Kopp

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in the world.

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