your character might kick through count-
less locked doors, lay down ancient magics,
or send any number of monsters to the af-
terlife in the pursuit of fame and treasure.
But when you take your place as part of
an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise,
you become something more than a mere hero. As a
member of an elite group standing on the cutting edge of
the adventuring business, the brand precedes you. And
sure. sometimes the blades on the cutti ng edge ar e kind
of sharp. But with !lead Office at your back, you know
you have the best tools in the i ndustry at your disposal.
And maybe the basic funeral packages Acq Inc offers ar-
en't that great. but there are some tasteful upgrades you
might consider.
This chapter introduces the Acquisitions Incorporated
franchise and the rules for running it. Franchise bene-
fits are organized by level tier. and include an ever-ex-
panding business territory. wide ranges of options and
upgrades for a franchise headquarters, and more. This
chapter also introduces company positions-a new set of
rules for franchise characters granting access to unique,
tier-based abilities that can help a party stand out in a
crowded marketplace. And because taking a vacation
is no excuse for diminished returns, an Acquisitions
I ncorporated franchise can make use of expanded r ules
for downtime and franchise activities, allowing players
to help shape the business and the narrative of the cam-
paign even when they aren't in the field.
A license to operate an Acquisitions Incorporated fran-
chise comes with nearly limitless benefits! When your
party starts a franchise, you receive a region in which
to operate, a franchise headquarters, and a majordomo
to assist with basic headquarters needs. As your char-
acters become accomplished adventurers (and continue
to contribute to I lead Office coffers), Acquisitions I ncor-
porated helps your franchise gain even greater benefits!
See the following Franchise Advancement table for a
summary of what you get at each rank.
By default. a franchise rank is gained at each tier of play
(beginning at level I and advancing when the average
party level reaches level 5, I I, and 17). The DM might
choose to increase or decrease the level of play at which
franchise tiers are gained. or tie advancement to story
or campaign goals. Each franchise rank provides char-
acters the opportunity to operate in a larger geographic
area. hire staff and direct them to execute franchise
tasks, and customize the franchise headquarters.
When a franchise first starts out. it is licensed to operate
in a small region focused on a settlement or similar mer-
cantile point. You might think this means Head Office
doesn't trust its new franchisees. Not at all! No! I t's just
so much easier to support a group when they star t i n a