Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1


focused a rea. Don't worry at all that a rival Acquisitions
Incorporated franchise will outmaneuver you. It seldom
happens. Keep growing your business, and the Acq Inc
license will expand to help you find more customers and
increase your bra nd presence.

Within your licensed region, you have the right to use

the full power of Acquisitions Incorporated branding. No
other Acquisitions Incorporated franchise will operate
in your region. and all the region's customers are e xclu-
sively yours. Of course. non-Acquisitions Incorporated
rival organizations might be present. You are expected
to d rive them out of business. (Or give them untimely
deaths. You do you.) A franchise can build o r operate
any number of locations, such as warehouses and trade
shops, within its region. You may not maintain property
or establish formal operations in a settlement o utside
your region, even if you ship goods to that location.
You may not use the Acquisitions Incorporated
brand outside your licensed region without written,
documancer-ge nerated permission, s ince those a reas
might belong to other licensees. You can adventure out-
side your territory, of course, and can assist or work for
other organizations. However, you are expected to prior-
itize missions given to you by Head Office.

Acquisitions Incorporated grants your franchise a
license to operate in a settlement, and in a territory
around the settlement approximately 10 miles across.
If your region includes a coast Ii ne. you are granted the
rights to engage in sea trade within that region. You can
ship goods (over land, water, or air) to one city or othe r
settlement o uts ide your region. (The DM approves this
location, and might wish to establish your franchise's re-
lationship with it through play as part of the campaign.)


Your license now e xpands to include a region s imila r in
s ize to a province or a small kingdom- typically up to 50
miles across, with your starting settlement somewhere
within. (For mapping purposes, this area is roughly the
same scale as a province-scale map. See "Mapping Your
Campaign" in chapter l of the Dungeon Master's Guide.)
You are expected to expand your trade and branding
throughout the region. You'll seize new markets. develop
new offerings, increase your network of contacts, and
safeguard the king and queen's spoiled kids so the mon-
archs think of you positively. You can ship goods to two
cities or other settlements outside your region.

Franchise Licensed
Levels Rank Region New Staff
1-4 l Settlement Majordomo, 2 untrained
hirelings, l skilled hireling

An Acquisitions Incorporated franchise is a group effort.
Many decisions must be made in the course of running
a franchise and playing in an Acq Inc campaign, and it is
assumed that all players will be involved in making those
decisions. Whenever this book talks about a franchise col-
lectively- and in particular, when it talks about decisions
being made by a franchise-the understanding is that all
characters (in the game) and all players (at the table) have
an equal say in determining a franchise's fortunes and fate.
Sure, arguments will crop up from time to time. But that
kind of roleplaying is a big part of what makes an Acquisi-
tions Incorporated campaign.


Your license grows to include a broad expanse of prov-
inces, a few small kingdoms, or a large kingdom or
federation, covering a territory the size of half t he Sword
Coast in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. A la rge
territory might overlap with other Acquisitions Incor po-
rated regions, though you a re theoretically working with
(and perhaps overseeing) smaller franchises rather than
working against them. You can ship your goods to any
destination, and can assign staff to a city to which you
ship goods-solely to oversee the distribution of those
goods, and certainly not to compete with rivals. Don't
cause too much trouble and Head Office will stay happy.


Your franchise now includes specific locations located
on other planes of existence. These could include such
fabled trading locations as Sigil, the City of Brass on the
Elemental Plane of Fire, or a githyanki o utpost in the
Astral Plane. Your license to operate in these regions is
not exclusive. Your region on the Mate rial P lane might
or might not expand, depending on both your perfor-
mance and the goals of the campaign. The DM might
establish extraplanar locations through play. Failing- o r
succeeding-in securing an e xtraplanar location could
create interesting and deadly rivalries!


Chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook details the costs
for characters to hire skilled and untrained hirelings.
As is true of characters in any campaign. Acquisitions
Incorporated franchisees are free to hire any NPCs
they want, within whatever limitations the DM wants to
set on s uch employment. But the franchise itself comes

Tasks Headquarters Features Costs
l task Starter headquarters x 1

S- 10 2 Small territory 4 untrained hirelings, 1 skilled 2 tasks Cosmetic, expansion, x l.S
hireling, 10 crew transportation, weapon
11 - 16 3 Large territory 8 untrained hirelings, 2 skilled 3 tasks Arcane, defensive, franchise x
hirelings, 10 crew choice
17 - 20 4 Limited 16 untrained hirelings, 4 skilled 4 tasks Arcane, franchise choice, secret xS
extra planar hirelings, 20 crew

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