Development. If the portal isn't dosed after I minute.
a SC'Cond gibbering mouther comes through. It suffers
any cons<'quences alr eady in p lace fo r alterations to
the runes.
A long table has been pushed into the northwest corner
of th is room, with three corpses of male huMans piled
beneath it. Each corpse is naked to the wais t and wear·
ing colorful tights. Visible on the chest of one corpse
is a sigil of a draconic skull pierced from the bottom
by a sword.
Creatures. Hoobur Gran"Shoop's necromantic rituals
h;\\C caused the humanoids slain here to come back as
three shadows. All were professional grapplers hired
by the operatives of the Six for the attack on Trescndar
Manor. and were C1'ecutf'd when the atlack was done to
provide permanent undead sentries. The shadows cur-
rently linger in area 12. but they move under the door
into this area to attack if the charac ters make any noise
or bring any light into t ll<' room. If the shadows nttack.
tllC'y surprise any character who does not notice their
approach with a successful OC^14 \Visdom ( Per cep-
tion) check.
Tactics. The shadows remember being professional
grapplers. and they put on a show as they attack. tossing
each other toward th<'ir enemies. "jumping" off the tablr
or each otht>r onto foes. and so forth. They flex and pos
ture. pose <'Ind prnnc<:> in a way that is very unbecoming
ofa typical undead. If they need a break from the battle.
they r etreat under the locked door into area 12.
Development. If the charac ter s have P;1tsky or tlw
Splintfig sisters to ilsk. they can report that the bodies
under the table were grapplt·rs who helped attack the
manor. T he last t im e any o f the other s saw the three.
they were aJi,·c and among the victors.
T he door betw een areas^11 and^12 is locked. When the
ch:.ira<'ters enter <irea 12. read:
A bed and a desk are the only furnishings in this sur·
prisingly clean room. The bed is made with linen sheets
and a fluffy pillow. Atop the desk are an ink pot and a
quill pen.
Hoobur Gran'Shoop cle;ined <ind set up this area as a
command h('adquartcrs for the few days his forces r e-
mained in tlw dungeon.
Secret Messages. Crumpled up under the desk is
a piece of paper co,·ered with ink blots-residue from
when the paper was placed under another piece of paper
that was writlen upon. Any character who succeeds on
a DC 10 lnt<'lligencc (I m ·<·stigation) check discerns the
impression!> on the pap<:>r. which can be r ead by rubbing
charcoal aernss the p;1ge or with r<1reful study.
We have completed our work here. Omin's moppets
have been defeated, although the half ore and the tie.fling
escaped. We believe the former ran for the woods. which
means she will be ours soon enough. The latter, we cannot
locate. We could not find the timepiece either, and it 1s pos-
sible the tie.fling took it with her. However, if its magic func-
tions as erratically as does that of the far gear, there may be
more searching to be done.
Everything goes according to plan, and the manor should
be free to claim. Loose ends are being tied up as I write this.
I am. always. your obliging servant.
13eneath th<:> si~n:nure is the symbol of a draconic skull
pi(' rcecl by a sword from the bottom up.
Dran Enterpris<'s keeps n close watch on J.\cquisitions
ln<'orporated operations. \\'henevcr an Acq Inc fran-
chist": fails. Oran Enterprises swoops in to make a
hostile takeovt'r o f the as!-.ets and expand its own opera-
tions. The Phandalin franchise is no exception. As soon
as Sister Garaelc saw thr lroubl<· at Tresendar Manor.
the priest ofTymora let Oran Entnpriscs know. Oran
Ent<:>rprises then dispatdwd a Cf('\\ ' of hobgoblins to
evaluate the area. clean 11p. and LHkt· control ofTresen-
dar l\lanor as quickly <is possible. \\'hen the adventur-
ers leave th(' dungeon for the final time. they s<:><' that
cl<·anup crew in any arr:'I close lo the entrance.
As you step through the door, two hobgoblins pause.
staring at you with a mix of anger and confusion. One
wears an oversized tank on her back with a hand-held
hose and nozzle emerging from it. A clear, viscous liq-
uid drips from the nozzle, sizzling and smoking when
it hits the ground. The second hobgoblin brandishes a
lethal-looking sword. Both wear leather armor branded
with the insignia of Oran Enterprises.
Creatures. These two hobgoblins -Grunka and
Fraht- lead the Oran Enterprise!> ad\'ancc crew. They
arrived clandestinely jus t after th<' charac ters enter ed
th<' clung<'on. and ar en't expecti11g any resistance
gi\'en the low-key nature oft heir cleaning assignment.
Grunka wears an acid sprny gun. an invcmion of Oran
Enterprises R&D. Add the' following attnrk action lo her
stat block:
Acid Spray Gun (Recharge 5 -6). Tht' hobgohl in
sprays a<'id in a^10 foot con<:>. Each creature in till' area
must make a DC I 0 Dexterity Sa\ ing throw. taking^7
(2d6) acid damage on a fail<~d save. or half as much dam-
agc> on a successful one.
The spray gun has a tank that C'an be filled with ten
standard vials of arid mixed with water. allowing it to be
used fin· times.
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