Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

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to advance to the next episode. The players should get
u sed 10 how big a part downtime and franchise activities
play in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign.

Before the next phase of the adventure. make sure the
characters have their franchise and business affairs in
order. They should knmv who their franchise employees
are, giving those staff members detailed instruction s
about what IU do while the characters are away. This
sort of planning is a common theme in any Acquisi-
tions Incorporated campaign. so establish this prece-
dent early.
Speculating that Talanatha Three-Coins might have
fled 10 the Silent Sound lighthouse headquarters o f
another Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. the charac·
ters might attempt to make contact with that franchise.
either on their own or through H ead Office. However.
any such attempts yield no response. At some point,
Om in Oran contacts the characters if they don't contact
him first. H e's worried about what th e lack of contact
with the Order of the Stout H alf-Pint might mean. and
he wants the characters to investigate.
The presence of Oran Enterprises oper atives in

Phandalin is troubling for Om in especially if the Oran

Enterprises hobgoblins were killed without the cha rat·
ters questioning them , leading to th e assumption that
the organization was behind the initial attack. If the
characters aren't suitably intrigued by the orrery and its
newly discovered component. that can be another thing
that Omin charges them with investigating. Armed with
a solid guess that Talanatha Aed to the lighthouse. the
characters prepare to head north!


In this episode. the characters (newly enfranchised and
now 3rd level) travel to the Silent Sound lighthouse to
search for Talanatha. the tiefling paladin occultant of
th e Fellowship of the Colden Mongoose. On the way.
Om in Oran contacts them with a request. I le wants
them to stop in Neverwirner to check on a cache of
Acquisitions Incorporated treasure being stored there.
H owever. the doppclganger who hid the cache has been

arrested and is about to be executed. Even if the char·

acters save her. retrieving the treasure where it's been
hidden in the House o f Knowledgc-Oghma's temple i n
Neverwinter will take more time and effort than Omin
L eaving Neverwintcr. the character~ h ead norch in
the direction of Silent Sound. But even as the light-
house comes into view. they spot a small boat under
attack by creatures from the deep. If they rescue the
crew, the characters might find a business opportunity
that involves partnking in a little mutiny against a ruth-
less captain.
At the lighthouse. the characters confirm that the
Acquisitions I ncorporared franchise h<'adquartered
there-the Order of the S1ou1 Half-Pint was attacked.
and that most of its members have been killed. Moving

C II.'\ PT!-R .J. 11 I I <l IHH R \ O ~ I HI \ \' ll 1 IU R

up through the different ltvels of the lighthouse tower.
the franchisee~ fi nd more and more t>vidence that the
same spellcastcr whose creations they\<• prt'viously
faced has wrought havoc there. That spellcastcr. Hoobur
Gran'Shoop. is found working inn i:i;risly laboratory be-
neath the tower. to which the adventurers gain entrance
th rough the lighthouse's magic lcn~. That laboratory is
only part of the lighthouse's secret ba::.cment. though.
and the characters engage in somt• dangerous and lucra-
tive dungeoneering after dealing with or doing a d<·al
With the threllts in the lighthous<· dispensed with. the
characters lt'arn that its franchist' ill<'mbers had also
recently collt>Cl<'d one o f the clockwork components of

the OrrerJ' of tlw I ~mdcrer. They also have evidence in

hand pointing to the involvement of Oran Enterprises
in the attack on thc lighthouse. building on the sight-
ing of Oran Entt>rpriscs operatives in Phandalin. But
what does Oran Ent!'rpriscs want w ith the orrery? And
which band of plucky franchisees will be rnskcd with
finding ou(2

With the franchise headquarters in Phandalin secured
and the r ebuilding ofTresendar :Vlanor underway. the
adventurers have a clear path alwad of them to the Si-
lent Sound lighthouse. However, you g<'t io decide how
complicated the journey turns out tc> be.
One big question is whether the drnractcrs should
travel overland up the Sword Coast. or whether you
wam to let them 1cleport directly lo Silent Sound using

the timepiece of travel. Either option i-, fine. With an At·

quisitions Incorporated campaign often involving access
to crazy magic. don't be afraid to lt' t th<' charac ters make
use of it. But there arc options for holding back on the
magic of tlw orrcry and its component..., if you want to
(see the "Levd Inappropriate" sid<"bar in episode 2). and
an overland journey has its own r<'wards. in the form of
addition al encounters and side treks thnt can help build
a fun story.
This episode provides one side trek that secs the
characters stop in Ncvcrwinter on their way IO the
lighthouse. which can be made use of no matter what
the party's method of travel. Additionally. if the charac-
ters are traveling O\'erland. you ran introduce random
encoumers along the road using tlw same method and
table from episode 2. lfyou roll a re~uh that makes no
sense, roll again or create an encounter of your own.

Before the characters leave for the lighthouse. or while
they are on the High Road tra\'eling toward Neverwin·
ter. Om in Oran makes contact with a .. .,mall fa,·or.''
Ncverwinter is !orated on the High Road on the way lo
t he Silent Sound lighthouse. so is an rasy stop for the
party to make.
Head Office ai-:signments of this sort can become
common in an Atquisitions Incorporated campaign. es-
pecially as the characters' reputation as troubleshooters
grows. You tan usc such side treks as useful support
for a franchise"~ main mission. or a an inconvenient
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