Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1


  • 1
    l lirelings are kindling in the fire oF opportunity..
    -Jim Darkmag1c

A skilled hireling has one or more s kill, weapon, or tool
proficiencies. A franchise can request skilled hirelings
when needed (up to the maximum allowed by franchise
rank). with the players describing the concept behind
the hirelings and selecting one proficiency for each.
The OM can then customize the hirelings as desired.
perhaps by adding additional proficiencies or adjusting
their combat statistics.
Skilled hirelings can be fired and hired as needed.
A franchise might bring on a couple of thugs to act as
distraction during a street fair, then release those NPCs
to hire a different set of skilled hirelings to conduct fran-
chise tas ks and downtime activities.
Hirelings cannot perform more than one task at a
time. A full comple me nt of skilled hirelings assisting
the party on a mission precludes other skilled hirelings
from helping with franchise tasks and downtime activ-
ities until the mission is completed. As with untrained
hirelings, detailing a group background and assigning
personality characteristics to a group leader can make
for a fun play experience.
A d venturing. Characters can adventure with up to
one skilled hireling at a time. An NPC with a challenge
racing of roughly half the franchise rank works well for
most adventures. providing utility without disrupting
balance. The loyalty system described in chapter^4 of
the Dungeon Master's Guide can be used to determine
whether the hireling remains dedicated to the party"s
goals. or the OM can make that decision on the basis of
how the adventure plays out and the characters' attitude
toward the adventuring NPC.

Task s and Downtime. Skilled hirelings can also be

assigned to franchise tasks. as described in the "Fran-
chise Tasks and Downtime" section later in this chapter.

Crew arc skilled hire lings trained in tasks pertaining to
the physical maintenance of a franchise (for example,
servers or gardeners) o r the navigation of a mobile head-
quarters (sailors for a seagoing franchise. engineers for
a giant hollow statue, and so on). Crew do not leave a
franchise and cannot perform franchise tasks. They typ-
ically run rather than fight back when attacked. though
the OM can decide otherwise. If a mobile franchise
headquarters requires more crew than is granted by the
franchise's rank, the characters must hire the remainder
(typically at the skilled hireling cost of 2 gp per day).
Hiring crew can become a cooperative roleplaying ac-
tivity. Potential crew might hear of Acquisitions Incorpo-
rated or the party's exploits and come to interview with
the franchisees. Choices might be offered by the OM. as
between a team of ex-militia who lost their last battle
and a c rew of recently released c riminals who swear
they were wrongly imprisoned. Names, personalities,
and roles can be assigned to crew by the OM and the
players. Rather than s imply interacting with the cook
and the first mate, the characters can instead deal with
Pepper, the chef who loves spicy foods, and Brazen, the



ve teran sailor who always talks back. creating the poten-
tial for entertaining interactions as the franchise grows.


Acquisitions Incorporated Head Office provides the
members of each franchise with a place to call their
own. It might not be initially impressive (cleaning any
old blood s tains is the franchisees' responsibility).
But over time, characters in an Acq .Inc campaign are
granted resources lo help construct the headquarte rs
of their dreams! Each franchise rank affords the ch ar-
acters a number of choices, allowing customization and
creativity. Sample features are provided as guidelines,
but a franchise's features can include literally anything
decided on and agreed to by the players and the OM.

When selecting a feature, the characters must make
decisions together meaning the players must do the
same. Deciding on the features of a headquarters
should be a team effort. both in game and a round the
table. What should a headquarters look like initially?
Do the characters prefe r to travel by land or by sea, or

. bein an intern rhat
There arc a lot ol perks to g flexible you
I k The hours are very ,

People over oo · d. ount. 111 I h e g1 ·ft shop ' you get a

get a 20 percent tSC f hours as long as you ask
bathroom break every our. ·f'you go into

. r And sometunes 1

Your supervisor irsl. a {' ter a me e1·1ng • there w ill be a
the conference room f. b You can just take as
h I

. d· d \e tovcr su s.
bu nc o so a an I ·1s nobody sees you.
much as you wand As ong L -Viari

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