l t
from the weather. The horses arc hardworking and love
apples. The carriage has AC 11 and 75 hit points, and
moves at the speed of its drafl horses (40 feet). Four pas-
sengers can ride inside. two up front with one steering.
and two atop the rear cargo area. Up to three people can
also sit on the roof of the cabin. for an especially excit-
ing perch when the earl is moving quickly!
Because this sort of franchise typically can't hold the
characters and all their staff (m least not comfor tably),
such staff are often iti nerant or based in whatever settle-
ment th e carriage returns to most often.
A cosmetic improvement. gained at franchise rank 2, al-
lows a franchise to radically alter the look and feel of its
headquarters. A beat-up wagon could become a gilded
carriage, with luxurious interiors and servants dressed
in matching finery. A tavern could proudly display the
party's kills in the drinking hall, feature mugs gathered
from dwarven holds around FaerOn, and have decor
matching a particular theme.
Improvements can also be of a fantastic or magical
nature, such as flickering magical torches or portraits
that watch and interact with observers. The OM has fi-
nal approval over such improvements. and is the arbiter
as to whether cosmetic improvements might provide any
actual benefits during play. When allowed, such benefits
should be situational and limited. A foe might become
distracted the first time a ghostly figure appears in a
haunted tavern, but the quality of the illusion is such
that it doesn't stand up to continued scrutiny.
Cosmetic effects can also be focused on selling and
branding a franchise. such as adding manufacturing
capabilities. a light-up sign, a customer showroom or
service center. and other commercial features. At the
DM's discretion, such features might generate additional
income or lower the costs of certain franchise tasks.
Draconic Ship. This once-innocuous seagoing
vessel has been detailed to appear as a brass dragon.
The ship's interior is decorated in draconic art. and
platforms among the rigging are linked by silk ropes at-
tached to pulleys. These might provide benefits to crew
trained in their use if the ship is ever attacked.
En ch anted Wizard 's Tower. In the entrance hall
of a former-wizard's-tower headquarters, enchanted
portraits display visages of the franchise's recently van-
quished foes. Smaller portraits throughout the tower
display important moments in the franchise's adventur-
ing history, and the whole interior is set with magical
lighting, decorated with candelabra, and features drapes
and carpets matching the franchise's chosen motif.
At rank 2. an expansion feature allows a franchise to
double the size of its headquarters. When doing so. play-
ers and characters can define the changes to the current
configuration. Perhaps the headquarters expands in
size laterally, or gains an extra floor. Perhaps a new
basement is excavated-or poking around the existing