Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

This scene takes place e ntirely in the common room of
t he Dran & Courtier, s ince none of th e interior doors of
this ve rsion of the inn can be ope ned. All the characters

use t heir norma l s peed for move me nt, but you multiply

t he dime ns ions of t he common room a nd a ny furnit ure
or objects in it by a factor of 10. For exa mple. relative to
the cha racters the length of the bar is 300 feet, while a
stool tha t stands 3 feet high is effectively 30 feet high.
The cha racters are free to move whe rever they can, o r
to climb objects in the room. Additionally, at the end of
each cha racte r's turn as they t ry to avoid Onyx, roll on
the Cat Chase Complications table below to see wha t
happens, or use the table as inspiration for your own
Onyx uses t he cat s tat block with t hese cha nges:

  • He r size (relative to the characte rs in their diminutive
    state) is Huge.
    He r s peed (relative to t he cha racte rs) is te n times nor-
    mal. This gives he r a speed of 400 feet a nd a climbing
    s peed of 200 feet.
    Any damage Onyx would take is reduced to 0 (but see
    "Dealing with Onyx" below).

  • S he has advantage on ability checks and sav-
    ing throws.


d20 Complication
A tumbling chair or other large obstacle blocks the
character's path. The character must succeed on
a DC 1 S Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to maneuver
over, under, or to the side of the obstacle. On a
failed check, the character's speed is halved until
the end of their next turn.
2 A small stool is tipped over, or a mug o r pla te goes
flying o ff a ta ble. The character must s ucceed on
a DC 12 Dexterit y saving t hrow to dodge it. On a
failed save, t he characte r is struck a glancing b low
for 4 (ld8) b ludgeoning dama ge and must succeed
o n a DC 15 St re ngt h saving t hrow or be knoc ked
3 A previously unseen patch of spiderweb, chewing
gum, or mud catches a character as they move.
The character must succeed on a DC 12 Strength
(Athletics) check to push through without becom·
ing stuck. On a failure, the character's speed is
halved until the end of their next turn. If the check
fails by Sor more, the character is restrained until
they or another character succeeds on a DC 12
Strength (Athletics) check to free them.
4 A cloak suddenly s lips down from the back o f
a cha ir. A character who succeeds on a DC 14
St re ngth (Ath letics) check can grab it, pulling it
down onto Onyx. O n her next t u rn, the cat must
use he r action to fre e hersel f be fore s he can move.


  • Her claws attack uses the following statistics: +7
    to hit, reach 20 ft., one ta rget. H it: 11 (2dl0) s lash-
    ing damage.
    Onyx's relative s peed likely allows her to move any-
    where wit hin the inn on he r turn. On her t urn, s he uses
    her action to ma ke a Claws at tack against a ra ndom

character if she can.

Dealing with Onyx. Onyx cannot be overcome or
killed by combat. Any weapon attack agains t he r tha t
hits AC 12 ma kes contact but deals no lasting damage.
However, if t he attack would deal 10 or more damage,
Onyx has d isadva ntage on attack rolls until th e end of

he r next t urn. If Onyx would take 10 or more damage

from s pells or othe r effects, it yields the same result.
Spells that impose conditions function normally against
Ony x, but those conditions end a utoma tically at the end
of the cat's next turn.
Ending the Chase. Onyx continues her "playful"
chase as long as s he can see any Jiving characte rs. Only
if all the cha rac te rs successfully hide from he r does s he
eventually give up. The cha racters might determine a n-
other location to hide a t your discretion. but tbe mouse
hole near the fireplace makes an obvious a nd effective
safe spot.

d20 Complication
5 Spilled ale turns the floor beneath the character
into a slippery pool. The character must succeed
on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
6 The c h aracter attract s t he at tention o f t hre e hu ge
cockroaches, and m us t succeed on a DC 10 Dex-
terit y (Ac roba tics) check to pass th e e normous in -
sec ts unimpeded. O n a failed c heck, the character
ta kes 3 (ld6) pierc ing d amage from the roac hes'
bites, and t he cha racte r's speed is h alved unt il t he
end of t he ir next t urn.
7 A bottle falls off a table and rolls toward the char-
acter. The character must succeed on a DC 10
Strength or Dexterity saving throw to dodge or
jump over it. On a failure, the character takes S
(2d4) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.
8 A plate of fo o d spills , spreading a field o f mashed
potatoes, butter and jam, or some o t her thick,
sticky subs tance in the character's path. The ch ar-
acter mus t su cceed on a DC 12 De xterity (Acrobat-
ics) o r St rength (At hletics) check to avo id or push
t h rou gh the fo od. O n a failu re, the character's
speed is h alve d until t he end of t heir turn.
9 Three wasps feeding on fallen food catch sight of
the character and zoom in. The character must
succeed on a DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) or Wis-
dom (Survival) check to avoid angering them. On
a failure, the character is stung and takes 3 (1 d6)
poison damage.
10 -2 0 No complication.
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