d8 Reason
A paranoid person by nature, you like seeing what's
ahead of you at all times.
2 Your parent was a cartographer, their parent was a
cartographer, and by the gods, you're going to be one
3 You're fairly certain no one else in your party even
knows how to hold a map, let alone read one.
4 You like spyglasses. A lot.
5 Your nickname as a child was "the cartography kid."
6 Contrary to popular opinion, the destination is much,
much more important than the journey.
7 A good map is like an adventure without the bugs.
And the mud. And the wolves.
8 You suffer from the nagging feeling of never knowing
why you've come into a room, and you need the pro-
fessional flourish that lets you cover for that.
I'm not saying there aren't other perspectives. just that my
perspective is the only one that's on-brand.
- Decisionist sales pitch
A decisionist brings decisive leaders hip to an Acquisi-
tions Incorporated franchise. They settle disputes and
ensure that the team moves forward toward its goals,
often serving as a leade r (officially or otherwise) and
compass for the party. A signature move of the decision-
ist is to impress the importance of a particular looming
choice on the othe r franchisees. then call for a vote. The
results of all franchise votes are recorded, then later
Huma n Decis io n ist (Ranger)
There are dccisionists ol'all stripes. Domineering
narcissists gravitate toward the role, to be sure,
and occasionally that unyielding demeanor has its
purpose. Occisionist An nab approaches the role
in another way, considering herself in many ways
outside the party she travels with, even though she
has served in th is capacity for years. When s he
leverages her mi11 4 d1·0~1i"111:v. glinting with its final,
unswerving resolve, it is because she has heard all.
reported to Head Office. Decisionists are also concerned
with franchise morale and teamwork. helping all mem-
bers of the franchise work together effectively.
All decisionists vary in their approach to the task. You
might primarily attempt to convince others through
charismatic arguments, or through force of will or in-
tellectual cunning. You might lead by example. or by
extolling the examples of other people who·ve done
the things you haven't quite gotten around to yet. Many
decisionists go on to publish famous tomes, such as the
best-selling Habits of Effective Adventuring Parties and
I Don't Care If the Rogue Stole Your Coins, We Have
ajob to Do. You help advance the franchise by calling
for votes, making sure you're always on the side with
the most votes, and resolving disputes within the fran-
chise party.
Noteworthy Decisionists: Donaar Blit'zen ("C" Team),
Kelshi Annab
Essential Functions: Receive one extra vote on fran-
chise matters: resolve interparty conAicts
Position Proficie ncies: In addition to the proficie ncies
noted below, you can add your proficiency bonus to a n
ability check to influence a decision being made by a
group, assess the popularity of certain customs or in-
dividuals, or boost the morale of franchise hirelings.