This book was a collaboration between Wizards of the Coast and
Penny Arcade. Members of the Wizards of the Coast team are
marked with an asterisk.
Creative Directors: Jerry Holkins, Elyssa Grant,
Scott Fitzgerald Gray
Designers: Shawn Merwin, Teos Abadfa, Jerry Holkins, Scott
Fitzgerald Gray
Producers: Elyssa Grant, Dan Tovar*
Associate Producer: Bill Benham*
Development: Shawn Merwin, Tees Abadfa, Scott Fitzgerald Gray,
Chris S. Sims, Ben Petrisor*, Jeremy Crawford*
Lead Editor: Scott Fitzgerald Gray
Editors: Michele Carter, Chris S. Sims, Scott Fitzgerald Gray,
F. Wesley Schneider*
Indexing: Lyz Liddell
Art Directors: Mike Krahulik, Francisco Villasenor, Shauna Narciso,*
Kate Irwin''
Additional Art Direction: Jerry Holkins, Elyssa Grant, Scott
Fitzgerald Gray
Graphic Designers: Amy T. Falcone, Emi Tanji,* Trish Yochum^1 '
Cover Illustrator: Mike Krahulik
Interior Illustrators: Dabe Alan, Joy Ang, Darren M.A. Calvert,
Oaarken, Michele Giorgi, Gavin Greco, Leesha Hannigan, Tyler
Jacobson, Nicholas Kay, Julian Kok, Dora Litterell, Nurse Normal,
Aviv Or, Klaus Pillon, Carmen Sinek, Kris Straub, Kim Van Deun,
Francisco VillasePlor, Chris Walton
Cartographers: Jared Blando, Jason Engle, Robert Lazzaretti, Mike
6200255000001 EN
ISBN: 978-0-7869-6690-
First Printing: June 2019
Additional Design: Luke Lancaster, Zac Naoum
Additional Flavor Text Writers: Jerry Holkins, Mike Krahulik, Patrick
Rothfuss, Morgan Webb, Amy T. Falcone, Kate Welch, Ryan
Hartman, Kris Straub, Luke Lancaster
Production Services: Cynda Callaway,* Jefferson Dunlap.* David
Brand and Marketing: Ryan Hartman, Elyssa Grant, Greg Tito,* Cate
Olsen, Anna Vo,* Stride PR, 360 PR*
Additional Penny Arcade Team Members: Mike Buland, David
Coffman, Beth Damis, Patrick Groome, JeffKalles, Lidija Piper.
Joshua Price, Laura Stringer
<:Additional D&D Team Members: Bart Carroll, Pelham Greene,
Adam Lee, Ari Levitch, Christopher Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble,
Mike Mearls. Christopher Perkins, Satine Phoenix, Hilary Ross,
Liz Schuh, Nathan Stewart, Greg Tito. Kate Welch, Richard
Whitters, Shawn Wood
Full Acquisitions Incorporated Cast: Jerry Holkins as Ominifis
Hereward "Omin" Oran. Mike Krahulik as James Winifred
"Jim" Oarkmagic Ill, Patrick Rothfuss as Viari, Morgan Webb as
Morg~n, WWE Superstar Xavier Woods as Bobby Zimeruski,
Wil Wheaton as Aeofel Elhromane, Amy T. Falcone as Walnut
Dankgrass, Ryan Hartman as Donaar Blit'zen, Kate Welch as
Rosie Beestinger, Kris Straub as K'thriss Orow'b, Scott Kurtz as
Binwin Bronzebottom, Holly Conrad as Strix Beestinger, Anna
Prosser as Evelyn Marthain; with Dungeon Masters Jeremy
Crawford and Christopher Perkins
Ominifis Hereward Dran, CEO of Acquisitions Incorporated, leads
an assault on an lllithid lair in this vibrant piece by Mike Krahulik.
Disclaimer: Acq1.1isit1om Incorporated hos made every legal. moral, and ateont o:umpr
to ensure che safety of1he 1 'nformotiof1 coruoined herein. Tho: being said, should or1 em·
ployee meet their end in the servir,e of Acquisitfons Incorporated. we do reserve the rlgh: ro
reonimo•• you ro perform ligh1 office •asks. Maybe you should read 1he1e conrrocu mort
corefulfy, eh?
DUNGEONS&. DRAGONS, O&D, Wizards of the Coast, fo(gotten Realms, die d ragon ampersand, Player's H<JndbooJc. Monster Manual. Otmgton Moiier's Cuid~. all other Wizards of
the Coast product names. and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast m the USA and other countries. Penny Arcade. the PA logo. Acqu1stt1ons Incorporated. the
Al logo. Omin Oran. Jim Darkmagit, and Oonaar Blit':zen are trademarks of Penny Arcade, Inc. The uadcmarks and copyrights associated with the followin g Acqu1s1t1ons Incorporated
characters are owned by their respective players but used herein under express and ell'.clusive license granted to Penny Arcade, l!"lc.: V1ari (Patrick Rothfuss), MOrgaen {Morgan Webb):
Walnut Dankgrass (Amy T. Falcone); Rosie Beestinger (Kate Welch): and K'thriss Drow'b (Kris Straub). Acquositions Incorporated is the exclusive property of Penny Arcade, Inc ..
© 2019 all rights r eserved. T his matern1l 1s protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unaulhonzed use of the material or artwork con-
tained herein is prohibited without the exp1ess written permission of Wizards of th e Coast and Penny Arcade, Inc.
Pnnted in rhe USA. ©2019 Wizards of the Coast LlC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057 · 0707. USA. Manufactured by H asb<o SA. Rue Emile·Bocchat 31, 2800 Delemont. CH.
Represented by Hasbro f11rope 4 Tbg Sguare Stockley Park lhbndge Middlesex UBJJ 1 ET tJK