Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

Also at rank 3, you gain th e ability to read the grim
portents of a creature's demise. As a bonus action,
choose a creature you can see that is below its hit point
maximum and make a DC 15 Wisdom ( Insight) check.
On a success, you determine whether this creature's im-
mediate d eath would have neutral, negative. or positive
ramifications for you and your franchise. If the ramifica-
tions a re different for you and the franc hi se, you learn
this as we ll.

At rank 4, one of the beads on your occultant abacus
allows you to divert karma to where it ·s needed, turning
th e occultant abacus into a very rare magic item. While
the bead is unused. you know automatically when any
creature you can see is about to make an ability check.
attack roll, or saving throw with disadvantage. When
s uch a roll is made, you can use a reaction to grant a dlO
to a diffe re nt creature you can see. That c reature can
add the dlO to any ability check, attack roll, or saving
throw it makes within the next minute. The bead crum-
bles to dust when used, reappearing on your occultant
abacus at the next dawn.

As a rank 4 occultant, you learn that sometimes the
death of a creature has unintended consequences.
Within seven days of a creature's death, you can use your
occultant abacus to divine ways to reverse or mitigate
events resulting from that death. As a n action, make a
DC^15 Inte lligence (Religion) check. On a success. you
learn the relevant information based on the nature of the
creature and its place in th e world.
If you fail the check, this property of th e occultant aba-
cus c an't be used again until the next dawn. If you suc-
ceed on the check, this property can't be used again until
dawn seven days later.

I don't really understand occulta nts, a nd to be

honest, they scare the Abyss out of m~. I.

- J im Dar{mag1c

d8 Reason
You believe in karmic balance, but hate the idea that
"balance" means good and bad things can both hap-
pen to you. Good things happening to you and bad
things happening to other people seems perfectly
2 You love drinking tea and hate cleaning up, so pre-
tending that the dregs in those dozens of empty cups
are there to show ill omens and portents is a perfect
3 You collected beads carved as skulls as a child. No-
body ever told you there was a career in that sort of
4 You watched someone close to you die, and were
overcome by the feeling that you should be making
money off it somehow.



You've always owned a stuffed cat. You're not sure
where it came from, but it's given you great career
advice so far.
You've always worn a lot of black.
You really wanted a job where you can hide a fog
machine under the desk for dramatic effect during
You have an obsession with death that clearly marks
you for great things.


J've sold ice in lcewind Dale.

-Secreta1ian's boast

A secretarian's focus is on people -and all the potential
value that might be wrung out of them. Every person
met outside a franchise is a potential customer to a
secretarian, who does whatever they can to bring that
relationship to fulfillment. A secretarian seeks always
to promote their franchise and gain g reater value than
they give. They have the skills to negotiate with subem-
ployees, temporary hire lings, seasonal staff, and other
humanoid (usually) resources. When staff members
have problems. the secretarian is the one who pa-
tiently listens (or at least pretends to) until everything
calms down.
As a secretarian. you are respected for having the for-
titude to listen to both customers and coworkers with-
out going insane. You help advance your franchise by
keeping staff happy (enough), hiring competent (enough)
workers, coming up with s logans and catchphrases,
launching marketing schemes, and getting jingles and
s logans stuck in customer's heads. And while your supe-
riors don't officially condone undermining the branding
efforts of other organizations, no one can argue with the
effectiveness of that approach.
Noteworthy Secretarians: Certainty Dran, Dun-
bar of Spreck
Essential Functions: Extract information; assess the
strengths and weaknesses of others
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