Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1
Check Total

Major threat*
Minor threat*
No discovery of note
Natural feature
New customers
Ally or useful monster
Expanded benefit
*Might involve a rival

Mlfior Threat. A result on the table indicating a major

threat represents a discovery, event. or entity that might
completely undo a franchise's ability to do business-or
destroy it al together. Such threats might include the dis-
covery of a massing ore tribe. or a dragon entering the
area to ra id the franchise's trade routes. The franchise's
monthly costs increase by 50 percent until the threat is
resolved, as determined by the DM.

Minor Threat. A minor threat to the franchise in-

volves uncovering a danger that can disrupt the charac-
ters' ability to conduct business effectively. Such threats
might arise from stumbling upon the lair of a monster.
learning of the machinations of a noble. or discovering
a rival's outpost. The franchise's monthly costs increase
by 25 percent until the threat is resolved. as determined
by the OM.
Natural Feature. The expedition could locate timber.
precious metals, or other valuable natural resources; a
feature that serves as a lookout or offers defensive value;

a location that can serve as a safe house; or the like.

Valuable resources lower a franchise's monthly costs by
25 percent for ld4 + I months. Other natural features
can offer material benefits in future gaming sessions.
For example, a ta II spire of rock could serve as a w atch-
tower. allowing the franchise to gai n advance warning
of any large-scale forces moving through their territory.
A cave network acting as a safe house could allow the
franchise to conceal goods or people in times of trouble.
New Customers. A new settlement is discovered i n
the ter ritory, and the people there are eager to deal.
These could be newcomers settl ing the area or a pre-
viously unnoticed village or group of farmsteads. The
presence of new customers low er s franchise costs by 25
per cent for 2d4 months before rivals catch wind of them.

Ally or Useful Mons ter. The dwelling of a useful ally,

such as a sage or a former franchise member. is discov-
ered. This ally can become a source of lore, providing
insights into one or more campaign secrets-for a low,
low fee of 100 gp times the franchise tier for each se-
cret. T he party can also make one-time use of the ally
to lower franchise costs by 50 percent for ld4 months,
after which the ally departs.
The expedition could instead locate a monster that
is either willing to help the party or can be tamed. The
challenge rating of the monster is typically equal to fran-
chise rank. and providing for the monster 's needs costs
100 gp per month. This monster could serve as a scout
or spy, alerting the franchise to danger in its territory.
Or it could serve as a mount or guardian and be based
in the franchise headquarter s. Such a monster remains


with the franchise as long as its costs are cover ed and it
is treated well.

Expanded Ben e fit. The OM chooses whether the

expedition turns up a natural feature, new customers,
or an ally or useful monster, then increases the benefit
or reduces the cost of that discovery. Natural resources
might be found in greater abundance, an ally might pro-
vide secrets for half the normal fee. a monster might be
of a higher challenge rating than normal. and so on.
Complications. A result of 1 10 on the Exploration
Discoveries table is its own complication, but the DM
can add unexpected side effects to a successful result by
choosing from or rolling on the Explore Territory Com-
plications table.

d6 Complication
Within 1 month, the characters find legal documents
indicating the beneficial element is owned by or
sworn to serve someone else.*
2 One or more staff members go missing during the
exploration activity. Their fate is a mystery the charac-
ters must resolve.*
3 The beneficial element has a nefarious past, bears a
curse, or comes with a dark secret.
4 The beneficial element is short-lived, ending with
little notice. Allies might suddenly leave, or a natural
feature could be destroyed by a storm.
5 Outsiders are drawn to the beneficial element, get-
ting in the way of the franchise's operations.*
6 Bad luck seems to follow anyone interacting with the
beneficial element.
*Might involve a rival

A growing franchise often needs fine-tuning to improve
its operations and remain lean and capable. Efficiency
measures, bold new paradigms, shiny business plans,
internal audits, and inventory management can be key
to new profits. The best plans often end up creating an
auxiliary market for "how-to" books, such as Can't-Miss

Principles of Franchise Reinvisionary Strategery and

What to inquire about How to Acquire. lo some cam-
paigns. Head Office might periodically require this task
to ensure that a franchise grows effectively.

Resources. Boldly restructuring a franchise r equires

at least two workweeks of effort. The franchise must
also spend 100 gp per franchise rank in expenses.
Spending more time and money increases the charac-
ters' chance to effectively restructure their franchise.
Resolution. Characters or staff members in charge of
the restructuring make two ability checks with a D C of
13 + franchise rank. First. a character or staff member
must succeed at either an Intelligence (History) or Wis-

dom (Insight) check to select the right vision or identify

the right areas to innovate. This check gains a +1 bonus
for every character with the loremonger or hoards-
person position in the franchise. and an additional +I

bonus if the char acter making the check has one of

those positions.
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